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"isn't this illegal?" jaeden broke the silence in the car.

"what?" jack asked him confused.

"you driving - your only 16 dummy" jaeden laughed at him as if it was obvious.


"what if you get caught?" jaeden question him, looking outside his window into the dark surroundings.

"I won't, his house is in the middle of nowhere." jack assured him.

"and may i ask why?" he tore his head from the window to look at jack who was concentrating on the road that had the front lights of the car shining out onto them.

"i dunno." jack shrugged.

jaeden sighed, bouncing his leg up and down, keeping himself occupied.

"what are you? a pussy?" jack chuckled.

"no!" jaeden scoffed "its just... creepy." he added on.

"its just a forest, its not as if a clowns gonna jump out or something!"

"i swear jack! shut up!" jaeden yelled as his leg bounced even faster than before.

jaeden sighed "how can your foot even reach the pedal?" he asked, making them both erupt in a fit with of laughter.

the black car pulled up into the driveway of the enormous house, it was almost like a mansion.

"are you sure they'll be okay with me coming?" jaeden asked as he stepped out the car, shutting his door and walking over to jack.

"stop worrying they'll think your awesome!" jack punched his shoulder lightly as they made their way up to the front door.

"i hope..." jaeden mumbled, he had never been the type to have many friends, he was known as a loner, mainly an easy target to tease and bully, it didn't bother him as much now since it was happening less, but he still gets the usual beating at school.

jack knocked on the door.

moments later, a tall boy with curly black hair opened it, turning to jack smiling.

"oh hey jack!" the boy said to him.

"hey finn!" jack had a big smile on his face.

the boy turned to jaeden, making jaeden slightly awkward.

"i'm finn." finn stuck out his hand.

"i'm jaeden" he replied, meeting finns hand with his own and shaking it.

"so - you guys coming in?" finn asked them.

they both nodded as they walked inside the house.

to be honest - it was really nice, it was big, and open with lots of space, nice furniture as well.

the only thing ruining it is the awful smell of alcohol flooding the air, and the loud blaring music, that was so hard to hear from the front door.

it wasn't that crowded to be fair, their was only eight people at the part if you included the two boys who just arrived.

jaeden was that trapped in his thoughts that he was snapped out if them by jack slapping his shoulder playfully.

"jaeden you gotta be social today." he whispered to him.

jaeden rolled his eyes "shut up...".

"anyway - lets go i gotta introduce you to everyone!" jack laughed.

"wait... now?!" he whisper yelled, even though no one would hear him over the music.

"no next week you dumbass!" jack said, grabbing jaedens wrist and forcefully pulling me into the living room.

"hey everyone! this is my best friend jaeden!" jack pretty much screamed.

everyone turned their heads towards me, making the boy give them that awkward smile that he always does in situations like this.

"are yous awkward or what?" the boy named finn who they met like five minutes ago spoke up.

"anyway...i guess i should introduce you to everyone..." finn started.


"thats sophia - and last but not least" finn looked around the room. "wyatt.... but fuck knows where he went." he shrugged.

"well its nice to meet you all." jaeden smiled.

"i wish it was nice to meet you." the girl names sophia sighed.

"are you always such a bitch, sophia?" a boy with golden curly hair said as he threw himself on the couch.

"thanks" she smiled at him as he rolled his eyes.

"thats wyatt their." finn pointed towards him.

"its rude to point finn!" jack had to jump into the conversation.

"calm down jack... your just jealous this finger isn't up your -" finn started but was cut of.

"shut the fuck up!" jeremy stopped him.

"who's jealous now? hmm?" jack laughed.

"now it makes sense! thats the finn your always talking about when we hand our" jaeden laughed at jack.

his friends face was coated in a dark red colour and everyone burst out laughing.

jaeden was pretty happy to be social for once.

Okay... i know i haven't updated in like two weeks - i just haven't had the time.

School has been rough, and its nearly summer so all the tests are coming up, new timetables and new classes - so I'm pretty stressed about my wattpad updating.

I am expecting another chapter to be out this week but I can't be positive which day!

Anyway, I'm sorry about all this confusion - but just enjoy this short filler chapter I made in like twenty minutes!

Love you all! Thanks for understanding!

dangerous love ❉ jyattWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt