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Chapter 5:

Rui En's POV
Taking one step at a time,
walking hand in hand,
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 cheek to cheek.
And their learning how to do this dance, let this love be forever more they say.
I wish for this, to be true for you and me

The song played as i prepared myself in the bathroom. Another thing about me: I like noise and I will always turn on the tv for comfort in the hotel. In the bathroom I will play songs on my iPad to keep me company. I found the song suddenly so relateable. When I was overseas with Romeo filming this show, I barely felt anything for the song. If just sounded melodious to my ears while I sang it. This time, it felt a little different. How different? I have no idea how to put it.

Elvin's POV

Morning shoots always make me feel lazy. On top of that not to mention I was running a fever last night. I woke up at 6am to prepare and had to go down for make up and collect my clothes at 6.30am. I can't help wondering admist my sub conscious last night, did Rui En actually kissed me? Rui En, one who never does intimate scenes, fell in love with me, Elvin Ng? I felt happy, happy that it was not only my one sided feeling. A warm fuzzy feeling was creeping up in my heart and I couldn't help wearing that goofy grin over my face.

Today was the poster shoot for the show. We were to do our shoots seperately. I was bummed I couldn't get to see Rui En. "Enough of dreaming Elvin, quickly get down to wadrobe and makeup room before you delay everyone else." The voice in my head chided me. I quickly shoved the thought I had in the back of my head and tried to focus on work at hand.

I arrived to find my PA already waiting for me. "Hurry Elvin, shoots going to start. You are up first!" She literally shoved me into the changing room and threw the clothes at me. Hahaha that is my PA, forever so responsible and cute. Of course, Rui En is cuter. Oh my, what is wrong with you Elvin? Why does everything you do today have to link to Rui En? Something is very wrong with you. Thoughts filled my head and I suddenly had an idea. I had to make it work

The poster shoot went surprising smooth and although there were a couple of shots to be retaken, I was done in an hour and a half. I stepped out of studio and was heading towards the makeup room ans wadrobe to return my costumes and remove my makeup when someone accidentally ran into me, causing me to bump my head against theirs and dropping the things in my hands.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. Let me help you. I looked up and saw that it was Rui En. "Why are u still here, gonna be late for the shoot!" I scolded her teasingly. "Glad you know, Elvin. Now help me pick these up." She said as she picked up the costumes, notebook and notes that dropped. "Ummm... See you later okay?" She called out to me rushing away.

I smiled and the perfect plan formed in my head. Since there was nothing else for the day, I proceeded on with my plan. First, I went to book a place at the restaurant one road down from our hotel. Making sure we got a secluded table to avoid any attention. Then, it took me time to locate a florist and ordered a small bouquet of red roses for her. It was to be delivered to her hotel room. The plan was going well and all i had to do was make her turn up.

Locating the green icon with a tick on it, I penned my message for her.

Rui En's POV

I was removing my makeup in the makeup unit when my phone screen lit up.

Elvin: Dinner tonight. You and me. You won't say no right? Wear something nice, I'll pick you up at six :P

Dinner? He was asking me out on a date? I really didn't know what to reply. Or should I just chicken out and give him an excuse or not turn up? I was really puzzled, excited and may be a little nervous?

"Rui En, are you okay?" My PA's voice startled me. "You have been staring at your phone screen for 5minutes. Boyfriend?" She asked teasingly. "Its nothing... Friend." I replied, my face instantly feeling warm. I was glad she walked off. I quickly removed the remaining make up and left the studio. I mentally decided I will go for the dinner date and texted Elvin back.

6' o clock ... It was still early considering this filming had been so smooth. I went back to my room and decided to do a mask while reading my book written by Mr Lee Kuan Yew. He is a very wise man, and he is my idol. Really. I took a shower and let my hair dry naturally, even curling it a little at its ends using a curling iron though I know I would regret it cos I'd have to restraighten for tomorrow's shoot. Now the toughest part had come. Picking something to wear. My most comfortable wear were T-shirt, shorts and slippers and during this shoot, i brought little luggage as possible so I had limited clothing. The costumes were all borrowed from wadrobe... I took out the few pieces of formal clothing I had, a pantsuit, a simple black dress, a navy blue blazer, a white formal top and black leather skinnies. Considering to wear the pantsuit for the celebratory dinner, I decided on the simple black dress. It was perfect as it showed off my curves perfectly.

It was already 5 when i finally decided on the right outfit. I quickly put it on and proceed with some light makeup.

*Knock knock*

I yelped. He was so early? I put down the brush I was holding and opened the door. The delivery man stood there with a big bouquet of red roses. Wow I was surprised. Signing for them, I took the bouquet in my arms inhaling the fragrant flowery scent. Finding a jar for it, I set it on the coffee table.

Just as I was done with my makeup and packing a couple of things into my clutch, the door knocking came a second time. This time I knew it was him. After opening the door, both of us took sometime to take it each others outfit. He look absolutely dashing. A simple white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up revealing his muscles and a pair of black trousers. Simple.

Elvin's POV

The door opened and she stood in a simple black dress hugging her nice figure. I especially like the fact we were 'couple dressing'. She looked really fabulous. I placed her hand on my arms hoping she wouldn't mind. She grabbed onto it. It was then i realised she was stepping on a pair of heels. "Afraid to fall huh?" "Of course, I am only wearing because you asked me to" she let those words slip from her mouth. A blush crept over her cheeks. I laughed. I like to see her blush and feel embarrased. We walked downstairs where the cab was waiting.


Sorry for the long update! School has been busy. Read like and vote!

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