Chinese New Year

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I know Chinese New Year is like wayyyy over but I was drafting this then so let's not let it go to waste! Sorry for the long wait! Hope this turns out to be something good! Thanks for 6k!

Chapter 18:
Rui En's POV
Chinese New Year was my favourite time of the year, to be able to indulge in a lot of good food and of course my favourite would none other be Bak Kwa. Did I ever mention that I can finish a whole packet of it myself?

I like New Years to get together with everyone, feast and let my mind off from work altogether. This year it was a special New Year for me, because Elvin was coming visiting with me. I enjoy the festive season where all the relatives just talk about anything under the sun. But I believe this year all the attention will be on the man I love. It may be a little more chaotic as usual as everyone will want to get to know him in especially when he is a celebrity and such a hot one.

He dropped by on the second day of new year, of course spending day 1 with his family. "Happy New Year." He said while pecking my cheek. "Same to you " I returned the peck on his lips. He yearns for more but I nudged him playfully. We were already in my uncle's house and he should behave. "Later", I said pushing him away.

As expected, he was the spotlight amongst my relatives and they all bugged him on the story of 'how you and icy Rui En' got together. I laughed and decided to leave him to handle the bunch of nosy relatives and went in search of my favourite auntie. We were at my 2nd Uncle's huge house which could accommodate all 3 generations, from my mum's to mine and some of their children. As I was approaching the living room, someone ran into my leg.

"Ouch" I silently gasped before hearing a giggle. I saw one of my nieces at my leg. I smiled and said hello to her. "Gu gu, will you play with me?" She said in Chinese. The 5 year old's puppy eyes glistening. My heart melted and I just couldn't say no to children. Very soon we were all over the house with a few other children playing hide and seek.

Well I was supposed to be hiding since I was the only adult and the kids will try to find me. "19... 20..." I hear one of them called out from the first floor. I was on the third floor and looking for a good hiding spot. I decided to hide in one of the guests rooms. Very soon I heard the chatters of children and laughters and some screaming "Jie Jie, where are you?" They were so adorable and I couldn't help but smile to myself.

Hearing footsteps outside the door, I stiffened and didn't move. The footsteps stopped and suddenly the door sprung open and Elvin shouted "Yay! We found her!" The children behind him broke into cheers and applause. "Since when was he part of the game?" I put my hands on my hips and eyed Elvin playfully. He raised his hands in innocence.
"They asked me to play." He said pointing at my eldest niece. "Alright, alright, I lost..." I admitted. "Forfeit, forfeit..." The kids chanted. I covered my face with my hands and pleaded "No.... Please no.... AHHHHH...." Turning and running towards the stairs and planning to escape. "No running, I got you. " Elvin caught my waist and pulled me back.

The kids drew a paper from the forfeit hat. It was a silly forfeit. Kids being kids... I had to play along. The paper read 'Choose a partner and sing baa baa black sheep together'. It was a silly forfeit but not to disappoint the kids, I had Elvin to do it together. Retribution for not allowing me to run away just now.

Had just enough time before dinner to catch up with my aunt and various other relatives while Elvin continued to mingle around.

Dinner was the usual steamboats and home cooked dishes that I craved for. I ate some of almost everything and I felt that I was bursting thereafter. It was a really long day and I slumped on the sofa after dinner. Being clumsy and not being able to perform household chores, washing of dishes was done by my man. "Finally I am done." He said slumping onto the sofa beside me. "Look at my hands, they are getting old" he pouted. I lifted his hands and examined the skin wrinkly from washing numerous plates and bowls. "My poor man. " I said in sympathy. He held my hands instead and kissed them. "Thank you for inviting me, it's one of the best New Year" he smiled. "The kids were really cute," I told him, snuggling into his arms and not caring about the eyes that were watching us. Unknowingly I fell into slumber in his arms, although I could only usually fall asleep in my bed.

Amidst my sleep I felt myself being lifted into the car by Elvin's strong arms. "Don't go..." "Shhh..." He hushed "It's been a long day, go home in your parent's car, we meet in studio tomorrow." I nodded and drifted to sleep again.

Hope you all liked it!
Next chapter will be a dedication to Mr Lee Kuan Yew, will be up sometime next wk. I'll miss this man greatly
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