I Am Not | Chpt 1

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, hey," I said, sliding into the seat.

"Since when did you grow up?" Matt asked. He was staring at me for a while, waiting for an answer. It almost made me uncomfortable.

"I don't know," I replied, smiling.

"I haven't seen you all summer," Matt added.


I still wasn't really feeling another year of school. Not when my mom was all alone.

"(Y/n)! Pidge!" Allura came running down the aisle towards us, tackling me in a hug and therefore both of us crushing Pidge.

"YOU'RE CRUSHING ME!" Pidge called and Allura pulled away, bumping my hip so she could sit. Pidge and I were small enough so she could fit too. She finally looked over at the opposing side and noticed Matt and Shiro.

"Oh, uh hi," she said, her face red.

"Hey, Allura this is Shiro, Shiro this is Allura," Matt introduced. He caught eyes with me and winked. I grinned and noticed Allura's face go a bright red.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too," Shiro said.

"Kashi, (y/n) here might just be our competition for Quidditch," Matt said.

"Kashi?" I asked, laughing.

"I told you not to call me that dude," Shiro said, shoving Matt.

"What? It makes us look cute and I know you love me," Matt said. Shiro just rolled his eyes. I ship it.

I felt the train start up and I smiled for the first time in a while. Between working out for Quidditch and taking care of my mom I had little free time, but I honestly needed the distraction. Maybe friends would've been a good idea. After a few minutes I felt Pidge's head drop to my shoulder.

"It's been 2 minutes how is she sleeping?" I asked, pulling her into me so that she was comfortable.

"She was pretty excited to finally see you, she barely slept," Matt said. I felt guilt eat away at my stomach. I had sort of left Pidge hanging, but it was for my mom. "But honestly who wouldn't be excited to see you after that long?" I glanced up at him and he grinned.

"Yeah, I'm pretty cool," I said, glancing at Allura. She was quite obviously staring at Takashi who was looking out the window. No wonder she'd been so quiet. "Hey Matt come be my pillow," I said, making up an excuse.

"What?" He choked.

"Yo Allura move," I said, and she reluctantly obliged.

"Sure thing princess," she sassed.

"Hey, hey I'm a queen," I said as Matt replaced her and I watched her slip into the seat next to Shiro. He glanced over and laughed at our little interaction and she awkwardly smiled back. "Ah I'm a genius," I murmured, resting my back against Matt's arm, shifting Pidge in my grip.

"So humble," he said and I could feel him laugh.

"Hun I know." his head ducked down to my ear.

"Hey meet me in the Library tonight, I wanna hang out," Matt said.

"Yeah sure!" I said, figuring Pidge and everyone else was coming.

The ride was rather short and I could feel Pidge punch at me lightly in her sleep. I woke her when we got there and we all headed off the train. I now noticed Allura was enthusing about Quidditch with Shiro. I gave myself a mental pat on the back for making them acquaintances as I gripped my suitcases. I felt a slam into my back and I stumbled forward, my feet catching on the gravel.

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