who likes secretly likes you

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•didn't start liking you until you and Wyatt made it official
•becomes best friends with you to get closer to you
•jealous sometimes,but he reminds himself that you're happy

•Hates when she sees you guys cuddling,and at award shows when paparazzi is making you and him get closer
•is your best friend out of all of them,but she doesn't know how you feel about her
•nervous to come out

•broke up with Ellie also because he liked you too much,but only Chosen and Finn know that
•flirts with you constantly,which most of the time you don't notice until someone else tells him to "stop it,Jack."
•you guessed he liked you when he tried to kiss you when you and Jaeden were on a 'break' in your relationship
•you dodged that hoe rEaL QuiCK

•serenaded you the night before Jack asked you out.
•you were starting to like him too,but you had liked Jack more anyway
•Is like, SUPER sad for a while,and the only person who knew why was his mom (awww smol bean <3)
•gets passed it once he saw that you two were happy together

•HATES when he has to go away and film,because he loses less time with you
•is constantly blowing up your phone
•knows your IG password,because you guys are BESTIES!!!!
•even though he hates that term for you
•whenever 'Fillie' comes up in an interview,he gets defensive and denies it

•doesn't know if you like boys either
•always compliments you,but if Sophia's around he'll compliment her too.
•you two always FaceTime,but gets annoyed when you and her relationship comes up
•during interviews with the whole cast,he doesn't like when you and her's relationship comes up.
•gives up after you two make a year together

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