Chapter 26: Judgement Day

Start from the beginning

"WHEN I NEEDED PROTECTION, YOU WEREN'T THERE!" I yelled, cutting her off. "You make having a relationship with you so much harder. I already didn't want anything to do with you, but Bia and Bishop begged me to give you a chance. But every time I try or think we're making progress, you overstep."

"Ha, wow! I tell you what, son! When she does break your heart, which I know she will. Don't even think to come running to me! Just know that I told you so!"

I put my head down briefly as I fought back tears. Looking back up at her, I swallowed hard.

"The only woman that was capable of breaking my heart, already has. Fuck you, Joi."

SLAP! There was a warm stinging sensation once her palm left my right cheek.

I got up to leave, when Bishop opened the front door, walking in. He couldn't have picked a worse time to show up. I guess he caught a glimpse of our faces, making him stop in his tracks. However, I decided to keep it pushing.

"Why is your face red? What's going on?" He asked confused.

"Ask your mama." I called back.

"UNCLE ENJI!" Gi yelled, running after me.

"No, let him leave, Gianni! There's somewhere else he'd rather be!" Joi said as she pulled her back from me.

"Excuse me?" I said, baffled by the fact that she would even drag my niece into it.

"What is she talking about? Bishop whispered.

"She's shitting on Rebel! Claiming she's not the one for me. How a bitch who didn't even raise us for real, gonna tell me what's best for me?!"

"Aye, watch your mouth in front of my daughter! And that's still our moth—"

"Nah, fuck that! That's you and Bia's mother! I did what y'all asked me to do and she finds a way to ruin the shit every time! I'm done!" Turning to her, I spoke, "Keep my girl's name out of your mouth!"

Bishop picked Gianni up and followed me outside. His mama was right on his heels.


"HEY! You're not making it any better! Watch your mouth!" He yelled as he went to put Gianni in the car.

"She's beneath him, he deserv—"


"I don't care, she comes from trash and you know it!" She spat out.

"I said STOP!" Bishop warned her.

"NO! I meant what I said! Fuck that little bitc—"


My brother had his hands gripped around her neck at this point. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"No." She said as tears started to form in her eyes. "Not you too."

Bishop let her go. It fell completely silent amongst all of us. I couldn't help but stare at Bishop, because I had never seen him this mad nor had he ever defended me like this before. Joi seemed just as shocked.

"How could you? How could you, out of all people?" She questioned.

I assumed she didn't expect him to defend me the way he did. She probably thought he would side with her over me and it hurt her. He ran his hand down his face aggressively and walked back to his car. Bishop broke down soon as he started the car. Before I could approach his side door, he quickly backed out of the driveway and sped off.

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