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Soundwave couldn’t believe it. All the things he loved were being torn away from him… Almost all his cassettes—creations—were killed and murdered, slaughtered because of the war. He was glad to have his visor on to hide his grief of feeling each of them killed. Soundwave had seen how each of them was killed… how they were taken from him.

Looking down at his trembling servos he relayed in his processor back to their deaths. Buzzsaw was shot by a powerful ion cannon, Eject and Rewind destroyed in the rubble of collapsing remains of an abandoned base. Come to think of it, most of them were killed by Autobot’s, some from natural causes like the Cybonic Plague. But one he would never forget. It was due to Decepticons that his middle creation offlined. Voice being her designation, and she was very much like Ravage. Due to Starscream’s arrogance had she been offline. Her frame had been deformed to like like scrap, sending her out on her own for a mission, and never came back until Soundwave went out to find her.

When Soundwave found her, you wouldn’t be able to tell if she were alive or not. Her back legs were mangled, burns along her dark armor. Voice had been laying in a pool of her own energon, fighting to stay online. It wasn’t until Soundwave found her that she started to slip. Soundwave hated himself for being unable to save his creations. He lost the ones that made him happy. Now, he only had Laserbeak, Rumble and Frenzy, and his eldest creation Ravage. They did miss their brothers and sisters just how Soundwave missed his children. Soundwave had made a vow of silence after Voice’s death, who was his last cassette to offline. His new way of communication was through recordings or staying silent now, no speaking in his regular monotone. He still spoke to his creations through their bond, just barely though.

The Simbibot despised the seeker commander for what he had done. Voice was loyal to Soundwave and to their leader, Megatron. She also was loyal to her siblings, if she was younger or older then her siblings she still protected them. That was what made her noble. She held onto her faith that the war would end soon and be able to live peacefully with her creator and siblings. But she was dead. Never able to feel the metal grounds of Cybertron or the heat from her sibling's frames again.

Soundwave thought back to all the pain he felt from his creations, how they had been killed for what? What were they fighting for exactly? Soundwave couldn’t remember what they were fighting for anymore, he had been fighting for so long that the reason was a messy blur. That added to the anger in his spark. They were fighting for nothing but power. Now to Soundwave his creations had offlined in vain and for something that never existed. Though Voice fought for her brothers and sisters.

Laserbeak, Ravage, Rumble, and Frenzy, all knew their creator was upset about thinking back into the past. They felt it. They remembered how Soundwave returned with the destroyed frame of their sister.

Her hind legs were torn apart, along her back struts the metal was deformed and shattered. Her armor around her spark chamber, chassis, and torso was but away from some type of acid, and multiple puncture marks riddled her frame. One of her front legs had been ripped off, laying away from her frame. Lastly, one of her golden optics were stabbed by something. Whatever had wanted her dead wanted to make sure of it. They would never be able to unsee the image of their dead sister.

War took so many things away from everyone, even the warlord Megatron. His lover had finally broken through the facade of the Decepticon meaning and defected, living as a Neutral under Autobot protection of their base. She was Megatron’s lieutenant before Starscream. Later the femme became an Autobot from Soundwaves knowledge, but she had disappeared off of Cybertron a long time ago. But she wasn’t Soundwave’s business, never was.

What was left of his family curled up along his sides, on his chassis, or in his neck cables? Their little way of making Soundwave smile beneath his mask. They loved Soundwave, and they made sure he knew that. Over time after Voice’s death, Soundwave had found a better way of keeping the four safes from the bloody claws of death and fate. He couldn’t help but continue to think of his creations more. Soon falling into recharge curled up with his cassettes.

 Soon falling into recharge curled up with his cassettes

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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