Chapter Six, Part I

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Maybe she did want to trust him or maybe she just knew she can't because she shouldn't.

The young man had followed behind her, tracing every footsteps she takes. She would leered over her shoulder to see if it was Harvey and thirteen times had passed, and Harvey was still walking behind her silently.

Phylicia stopped walking to wait for the green light to appear across the pedestrian lane and Harvey almost stumbled behind her. That made Phylicia finally faced at him with a frown.

"About what you said earlier," Phylicia started, her voice was nearly losing out of tone. "I mean-" she stopped and moistened her lips. "What did you mean about it? Do you wish to make me your girlfriend?"

Harvey was silent and his eyes twitched, urging to look away from her but he didn't. Phylicia knew he was looking straight towards her and her eyes expressed more than just impatient and desperation. It was more than that. More.

He breathed out and shrugged. "Maybe I'm just really desperate for I am a very lonely person."

Phylicia's jaw tightened. She was not even surprise to hear those words from a straightforward young man. And to be frank, she could understand the deep meaning behind it. She could relate him.

They were truly lonely.

"Don't you have friends in school or neighbors—" Phylicia asked, jogging towards Harvey who was starting to walk on the pedestrian lane.

"No, I don't." he said through his gritted teeth and Phylicia bit her lower lip, wondering if why does a young man like him doesn't have any friends. But then she brisk the thought away because she didn't want to further the topic that could grow immerse or intense for both of them. And she didn't want to care about Harvey's life—not entirely sure if she could ever continue caring about the guy for she was already curious at the beginning.

"'Bout you? Don't have one in your hometown?" Harvey trailed and Phylicia paused for a moment. Her heart beat hammered through her chest, feeling pain and numb at the same time. Then her eyes that was staring at the puddles on the street shifted to the crystal eyes and frowned. "I'm afraid I don't."

"I do not doubt you need a companion. A friend. A boyfriend." Harvey stated with every words laced with hope and desperation, making Phylicia harder to breath. "Am I right?"

Phylicia moved her legs to take a step and decided to keep her mouth shut for a minute while thinking of a word to respond his statement. She could have said yes, admitting the truth, but not in front of a stranger. Not Harvey.

"I'm sorry," Phylicia heard him uttered and when she blinked, she squeezed her eyes tight, taking all the guilty feeling away from her chest. At least that was what she was trying to do.

"I should not have come with you." she heard him say again then a sigh, "I should have understand that I am still a stranger to you even though you have known my name and my number. I believe I need to go home now, so you can think about my thought earlier."

He is going to leave?!

"No." Phylicia spun around and there he saw Harvey frozen in his place. "Do not go away."

Please do not leave me alone.

He smiled simply. "Okay, then."

Phylicia absently nodded at him. What the hell was she doing with her wrongful ways of thinking and acting towards him?

"My apartment is just one block away. You can leave soon when we get arrive."

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