Chapter 02 Welcome To Their Reality

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The note read:

Dearest Kaira,

I hope your arrival the old factory was smooth, I am sorry I could not explain to you why you are here but as I said before the truth will be revealed to you when you are ready but for now you will attending school with your new friends at Kadic Academy, you do not have to worry about enrollment and boradment as I have already taken care of that for you, all you need to do is head over to the school and see the principal and then you are all set.

Inside the suitcase are your clothes, toiletries and and a few personal effects from your home, I hope your stay here will be filled with excitement and joy.

Oh and you don't have to worry about your mother I will be looking after her.


Your Sister Aura

I was surprised and shocked for two reasons, one was the fact that I was actually in another reality and two is the fact I'm in my all time favourite TV show, a goofy smile was plastered on my lips as I hugged the note before I'd turned around to see that the other were still looking at me, making my goofy smile drop slightly into a sheepish one.

"Well looks like I'll be seeing you guys around a lot" I said giggling,

"What do mean?" Ulrich asked,

"Well starting tomorrow I'll be attending Kadic with you all" I said walking over to the middle of the room before I thought crossed my mind, 'I should act like I don't know them and what will happens',

"Oh right you guys know my name but I don't know any of your's" I said trying to sound clueless,

"Oh well I'm Odd, that Ulrich, Yumi and Jeremie it's nice to meet you Kia" Odd said pointing to everyone as he said their names,

"Well it's nice to all and I hope we can be friends, oh and don't worry I won't tell anyone about this place, I guess you could say I'm this place's Secret Keeper" I said giggling at the little joke that they probably wouldn't get and knowing that if I did tell anyone they probably wouldn't believe me,

"How do we know we can trust you?" Yumi asked folding her arm over her chest,

"I can only give you my word that I shall never betray you, and if I do ever break this promise to you all then I will accept whatever punishment you see fit" I said bowing my head, they looked at each other before saying that believed me.

They started to leave the factory with me trailing along behind them, dragging my suitcase with me. As soon as we were out of the old automobile factory I notice how similar it look to it's real life counterpart, a mid afternoon breeze blow part making my ponytail fly slightly to my right causing me to turn to left and look out at the River Seine, 'This is real, I'm really here in Code Lyoko' I thought as I moved over to the railing momentarily forgetting about everything as I'd looked out over France. I was brought back reality when I heard the manhole cover being moved causing me to ran over to the others.

We entered to sewers and started to head in the direction of Kadic, Jeremie on his scooter, the other holding their skateboards and me pulling up the rear with my suitcase. The walk was nice as the others walked ahead but a little too quiet for my taste so I started to think of a song I could hum when I remember the tune of one of my newest favourite shows which was the extended version of Miraculous Ladybug theme song, soon as I finished humming the first four lines I started to sing the rest quietly to myself,

(Play song now)

"I live a life that's full of fun,
It keeps me sharp and on the run.
When evil comes I find a way,
To use my force and save the day!", I closed my eyes as moved my body with the silent music only I could hear,

When Reality Collides With The VirtualOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant