21 Days of Invisibility

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I am becoming invisible for three weeks. I don't want those close to me to worry or freak out, so I'm leaving on a solo trip. I'll tell them I'm okay and that I'll be back in three weeks.

Day 1:

I've always dreamed of having superpowers. I thought being invisible would be fun, but it's harder than I thought. Even though I told my family I was leaving, I've decided to spend the first day at home. It's weird having someone look right at you and not see you, I'm not sure I like the feeling. I'm glad this invisibility isn't permanent.

Day 2:

I was as quiet as can be yesterday. I don't think they suspected anything. I think I'll stay another day. I've stored some snacks in my room and have a bag packed and ready to go hidden in our backyard shed.

Day 3:

Man! It sure is boring being invisible. Being quiet is hard. I need a change of scenery. I think I'll stay one more night and leave in the morning.

Day 4:

My little sister officially thinks the house is haunted. I wanted to leave before anyone woke up, but apparently she was awake. As I was leaving I needed to use the bathroom, so I opened the hall bathroom door, went in, closed the door, and then I heard my sister yelling and running in the hall.
"There's a ghost! It's in the bathroom! AAAAaaaaaa!"
I rushed out of the bathroom and silently and hurriedly followed her to our parent's room. When I got there I watched as my little sister, with wide eyes, explained what she'd seen.
"You've been watching to much TV." My dad told her.
" No! It was real, I promise! " she protested.
"You know there's no such thing, it was probably the wind blowing the door closed, I bet you the window is open in there." Mom told her. " Let's go check together. " she suggested.
"Okay." My sister had relented.
While my mom was getting out of bed, I rushed back to the bathroom and opened the window, I then left, carefully closing the bathroom door behind me.
After that incident I promptly left the house.

Day 5:
After leaving the house yesterday I spent that whole day walking the sidewalks of the neighborhood. Before the sun set I snuck into someone's spacious backyard, I fell asleep between some bushes, under a tree. I felt like a stray dog.
This morning I awoke with aching legs and a growling stomach. After studying my meager supply of food, I selected a chocolate chip granola bar and quickly snarfed it down.
Soon after that, I made my way to a park and spent the remainder of the day sitting under a tree reading a book.

Day 6:
Feeling a little achy from sleeping on the ground.

Day 7:
A week of invisibility accomplished! Two more weeks to go.

Day 8:
I'm out of food. I've been living under a tree at the park, it's time to move on.

Day 9:
Good thing my neighborhood is close to town! I think I'll live in a department store for the remainder of my time of invisibility.

Day 10:
I spent the night in the furniture section on the comfiest bed I've ever slept on. Life is good!

Day 11:
Today was spent browsing the store trying not to get trampled. I also found this little employee lounge. It has a TV and a full bathroom with a shower in it! I'm definitely gonna chill in there tonight.

Day 12:
I've made a discovery, people-watching is way more fun if they can't see you. I can follow them around and stare as long as I want without them expecting a thing.

Day 13:
Today I woke up feeling really bad about stealing. I'm sure they would understand though, I'm trying my best to only take necessities. So far it's just been clothes, food, water, and shelter.
Maybe after all this is over, I'll make an anonymous donation to this store to ease my conscience.

Day 14:
Week number two accomplished!
By the time this is over I'll have memorized the isles.
Maybe I should get a job here...

Day 15:
I saw this baby today, and I swear he could see me! He was looking right at me! The mom noticed and looked to where her child was looking and saw nothing. I could tell she was spooked, because she promptly started walking away. Seeking entertainment, I followed. They slowed down a bit and I started making silly faces at the baby. He laughed, squealing loudly and pointed in my direction. Seeing absolutely nothing in my direction that could cause that kind of reaction in her child, the mom shuddered and sped away faster than ever.
For the rest of the day I experimented on other babies, none of them saw me.

Day 16:
Today was a bit boring.

Day 17:

Day 18:
I saw my family today. I followed them around the store as they shopped for groceries.

Day 19:
No matter how entertaining it is, people-watching gets boring.

Day 20:

Tomorrow's my last day! I'll head home in the morning.

Day 21:
I'm home now! The journey back took no time at all. I wasn't as far away from home as I thought.
It wasn't to hard to sneak back into the house.
Tomorrow I'll tell my family I arrived back home in the night and didn't wanna wake anyone.
Now I lay down in my own bed, and tomorrow I'll wake-up visible.

I think I could've had more fun than I did. It would've been much better if I had an invisible buddy, if I did, I probably would have been a lot more mischievous.
I don't think I'll ever tell anyone about my three weeks of invisibility, they would just think I was crazy. I enjoyed the fun though!

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