What is Music to Matt

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Hiya my puppies...so I have been called out..:

Music is everything I stand for...music has saved my life over a millon times.

As a gay guy you would think I listen to Lady gaga...I don't...I don't really like her. If it weren't for music I would have never found Ashley..She was sitting on the side walk at age 10 with a boys head in her lap. When I saw this girl I thought she was normal untill she started singing Trish Yearwoods You're were I belong



I am home now, home now

I've been waiting for forever to find you, to find you

I'm not alone now, alone now

'Cause you've taken in my heart from the cold

All I know is every time I look into your eyes I'm home, I know

You're where I belong

I belong with you

You're where I belong

And I know it's the truth

You're part of my heart

There's nothing I can do

Oh you're the one who keeps me warm

My baby you're where I belong

You're my first taste, first taste

Of the sweetest feeling I've ever known, that I've known

You're my safe place, my safe place

From a world that can be so cruel and cold

You're my harbor, you're my shelter, you're that welcome smile

That lets me know I'm home

You're where I belong

I belong with you

You're where I belong

And I know it's the truth

You're part of my heart

There's nothing I can do

Oh you're the one who keeps me warm

My baby you're where I belong

You're the one I come too, yeah

To keep me from the cold

You're where I belong

I belong with you

You're where I belong

And I know it's the truth

You're part of my heart

There's nothing I can do

Oh you're the one who keeps me warm

My baby you're where I belong

(You're where I belong, you're my only home)

You're where I belong

(You're where I belong)

(You're where I belong, you're my only home)

You're where I belong

(You're where I belong)

(You're where I belong, you're my only home)

You're where I belong

I am home now, home now

When I heard this girl singing I had to start singing with her. Ever since music has just been like the biggest part of my life. My life isn't perfect. My life isn't all that fab..but with music it makes it so much better.

There is really no words I can do to tell you what music is but I can try:

Music is: Amazing, Calming, Sweet, and just a big part of my life there are only a few moments in my life I am not listening to music.

Nathen this is me calling you out....hehe thats funny....What is music to you? ~matt

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