ST 03

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"I will have orange juice" RM said.

"Guys what do you want?" RM asked the group.

"Orange for me too" Suga said.

"I'll have black coffee" Rosé said.

"Pink coffee please..." Jisoo said blinking her eyes.

"There's no pink coffee here Jisoo" RM said.

"Aw...I'll just have black coffee too" Jisoo said in a sad tone.

"Hey, Jennie whats yours?" RM asked.

"Just water for me thanks!"

"Umm, Can we have 2 orange juice, 2 black coffee and 1 water please"

"Willing to wait for 10 minutes?"

"Yup, please bring our order at that corner, we will just wait there, thanks!"

The three girls sat beside each other, Suga and RM sat beside each other too, opposite to the girls.

"I guess V is not suspended at school but in their house" RM said.

"Perks of having a strict parents" Jisoo said.

"But he deserve it, V should take control of his emotions and actions, especially when it comes to Jennie" Suga said.

"Truth men!" Rosé offering a highfive to Suga.

"Did you guys think we could trust that new girl?" Jisoo asked.

"Well, she helped me from our bitch teacher, I guess I owe her, maybe I can trust her" Jennie said.

" let's just say you can trust her, but just be careful ok?" RM said sincerely.

"Speaking of that new girl, is that her?" Rosé asked and they quickly turned to see, Lisa was entering the place then Jennie got up immediately and approached Lisa.


"Oh, Hi! Jen"

"What are you doing here? You decided to hang out?" Jennie asked excitedly.


"Hey babe, I'm sorry I'm late, I picked up Daniel at his school and bring him home" the woman said kissing Lisa's cheek.

"Oh, Hi I'm Kate" the woman said when she noticed Jennie.

"Jennie." They smiled at each other.

"Uhm, We're not gonna stay here for long sorry Jen, but see you tomorrow?"

" see you tomorrow then, and its ok I'm here with them" Jennie said pointing at their table and they waved at each other.

"I'll go back there, nice meeting you sky!" Jennie said and turned back right away and walks towards their table.

"What was that?" Jisoo asked surprised.

"What was what?" Jennie asked back.

"The action, the eye contact, the Jennie who got up from her seat and quickly walks towards a girl that she met today without hesitation, and ended up got back here with a jealously at her face?" Jisoo said laughing.

"Shut up!" Jennie said.

"Why sudden of mood change?" Rosè asked.

"Look! The girl is so clingy to Lisa are they dating?" Suga said.

"I guess, she called her babe" Jennie said without emotions.

"Alright guys here comes our order" RM said just to break the silence of the group.

Sure Thing, Jen Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin