Chapter 4

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Today I'm leaving Orlando to go back to Mississippi.Then thing is that I haven't told Cameron.So I decided to text Cam and inform him on the news.

C=What's up?
K=I just found out that I'm leaving later tonight
C=Well you want to hang out before you leave
K=Sure.Just text me your address
C=Will do

Once cameron sent me the address Ariana and I started getting ready.I was ready just waiting on Ari to hurry up in the bathroom.She had finally come out of the bathroom.

"About time you finally got out" I said huffing

"Oh.....shut up" She said playfully smacking my arm

We had just arrived at the hotel the boys were staying at.Walking over to the elevator and pushing the up button waiting on the elevator to stop on our floor which was the lobby.It had came to a stop no one was in the elevator so I punched in the number on the elevator doors to close and move.

The elevator stopped making us step out and walk to Cameron's room.I knocked on it and revealed before us was a shirtless Nash with messy hair.

"Hey Nash is Cam here" I said

"Yeah he is in the shower at the minute" He said sounding like he just woke up.

"Can we come in please" I said because my legs hurt like hell

"Ohh.Were are my manners"He said moving aside so we could go through

"You can sit on the bed until Cameron gets out" Nash added

Ariana and I sat their for like 5minutes until we heard a door open.Then Cam decides to come out shirtless. (A/N OMFG I Think I Just Died). Anyways I was to busy day dreaming and Fangirling that I didn't notice him standing in front of me smirking.

"So are we playing the staring game now" Cam said still standing in front of me smirking.

"I umm..........w-wasn't staring a-at you"I said nervously

Ariana nudged me signalling me to stop stuttering.

"Anyways what should we do" Cam said

"Go to the movies"

"What movie are we going to see"Nash said

"How about the purge 2" Ariana suggested (I know it's not out yet just bare with me here).

"Alright let's go then" I said getting up to leave the room while the others were behind me.

We had just gotten back from the movies.My phone started ringing so I picked it up.It was my mom telling me it was time to go to the airport.Getting up I hugged Nash and said bye.The hardest part was saying bye to Cam.

"I'm going to miss you so much"Cam said while hugging me

"The same to you"I said sadly kissing his cheek

With that being Ariana and I grabbed our stuff and headed out back to the hotel.We just got back to the hotel to find my mom waiting on us with our bags beside her.I grabbed my bag and headed towards the taxi that was waiting on us to hurry up.Once done putting my bag in the car while my mom and Ariana did the same.We hopped in the taxi and then all of a sudden I feel the taxi move signalling that we just pulled out of the lot.This may be the the last time I ever go to Orlando for awhile but I had a great time.I mean you only live once.I'll miss you Orlando I had some great times their.

I will forever treasure the memories of everything that has happened.

Until then this isn't goodbye ......

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