Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten


Calla Spears

Louie Coulter. I thought as I hurried into the brush. Louie Coulter a part S.W.O.R.D.S. I laughed despite my situation. How did he manage that? I began to panted as I limped father and away from it all. Farther and farther away from this crazy, overwhelming day. Hoping beyond hope that somewhere ahead of me in the distance would be the answer to all of my problems. But no matter how far I stumbled, my family, Tem, S.W.O.R.D.S., and Louie Coulter all taxed my mind until it ached. Surrounded by brush I sat down on a large stone. I had been hobbling around for about a half and hour and believed that I had come about a mile. Would that be enough? I wasn't sure how much they wanted me. I hadn't done anything wrong, neither had the rest of my family. Tem, I thought. This was all his fault. If hadn't come to our house and put us all in danger, well, I did open the door the let him in, but still. Because of him, I was stuck here in the middle of nowhere, while my family was trapped who knows where, getting who knows what done to them. And for what, it's not like I got any information that I could possibly used except that I could not trust S.W.O.R.D.S. Besides, if I hadn't learned that today, I was an idiot. Exhausted, I closed my eyes. Today had been the longest, most confusing day of my life.

Reopening my eyes, I looked towards the sky where the projection of a sunny sky was beginning to flicker and fade just like my naive belief in my society as well as my normal life. Night was falling and I didn't think I could travel very well in the dark. I had flashlight but that might attract too much attention. On the other hand, I didn't think I could sleep very well given my stressful and uncertain position. Not to mention, I had never slept outside before. Sure my home isn't something to brag about, but we had always had some foam mattresses under our backs (admittedly they were thin) and a roof over our heads (even though that was pretty thin, too).

Deciding to stay the night where I was, I opened up my pack in order to access my supplies. In my bag I had a thick, if hole covered, wool blanket, seven packages of assorted food plus water, including some beef jerky, carrot sticks, a bottle of water, and some canned peaches, a small, but strong flashlight, and the stolen toy parachute.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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