Warm bodies

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Shawn softly leans in to get closer to the young lady without behind too obvious. Diminishing the space that separates them little by little, he smiles at her, still looking straight into her eyes while she seems hypnotized by his lips.

Soon their noses lightly touch but he stops before their lips taste their flavor. He raises up his hand to her cheek and opens his eyes to read her, to try to understand her, to discover her.

"I wanna get to know you..." She whispers and that was enough for him to make him fill the gap that was separating their lips.

He moves his lips against hers and she doesn't complain, neither kisses back. She's lost and came here to forget how unhappy she was when Eric was around her. That new feeling that slowly took place in their couple until she started missing the precious moments they used to live.

The taste of the alcohol and the softness of his lips make her want more and as soon as she understands this, she kisses him back.

The kiss lasts a few seconds and ends when they both pull back, his hand still caressing her cheek and her eyes sparkling.

"I need more to completely forget" Amelia admits unsure of herself and sips a bit of the rest of her drink, trying to hide the fact that she's bushing.

"And I need more to completely escape" He replies with the biggest smile playing on his lips and gets up.

He pays the drink and gets out from the bar, hoping that Amelia will follow him. The woman stays a bit longer, sitting in front of her glass, wondering whether it's wrong or right even though it's obvious.

She knows she'll hate herself the next morning and that she'll hurt the man she's supposed to love but she doesn't care. The only thing she wants is to join the man she met an hour ago.

She doesn't question herself anymore and takes her handbag to walk outside where she finds Shawn standing next to his Jeep, waiting for her.

Without a blink, they arrive at his condo. Both are drunk. Both don't know that they'll wake up the next morning completely lost. But both of them want it.

Shawn looks for his keys in all his pockets but Amelia is standing next to him, her head against the wall of the front door and getting impatient.

"I'll fall asleep here if you don't hurry." She says with her eyes closed.

He finally finds it and puts it in the lock.

"Miss can't wait for the private session?" He asks chuckling and leans in to leave a kiss on her lips.

He doesn't let go of her but drags her inside the condo with one arm around her waist and the other closing the door. They deepen the kiss as soon as they reach the bedroom, letting down behind them the clothes they already put off.

There's no question anymore. No troubles. No issues.

There's just them, pulling off their clothes, getting in the bed and forgetting for that one night stand.

The young man hovers the gorgeous woman who lets go of her reason. He sticks his head in her neck, leaving little kisses and she even leans back her head to let him get deeper.

She wants him and he wants her.

He sweetly gets lower, discovering her body a little more and traveling every inch of her with his tongue. Making its way from her neck to her inner thigh and licking all of it.

He's doing well and her jerky breath proves it. Her eyes closed, she enjoys that moment of pleasure but the second his mouth gets back to hers, she feels how she needed it. The second he comes in, she feels how he sets her free.

Wrapping her arms around his neck to take a grip on him, contracting everything in her and breathing heavily as well as she wants more of him.

Sliding out and in, hovering her but being careful to lean on his elbows not to suffocate her and hiding in her neck.

He smells how good is her hair scent. He smells how cherry is her skin scent. He smells how great her perfume pervade his pillow.

He feels how deep she scratches his back. He hears how louder her moans get each time he gets deeper. He sees how hard she struggles to hold back those same moans.

He gets lost in her as well as she holds and keeps him close to her body. Not wanting him to leave her while she knows that she's the one who'll leave the other.

The heat raises up in the room with every second and finds its apogee at the same time as those two warm bodies that finally got what they needed.

Shawn gets off her grip and lays right next to her. Still looking at her though. Still admiring her and smiling at the way she tries to recover from what just happened.

He stares at her breast to see how heavily she breathes and could even hear how fast her heart is pounding, slowly getting back down.

He lets out a chuckle which makes her turning her head to him and look right into his hazel eyes.

"Wow" She sighs and moves to him, leaning her head on his chest with her arm around his torso.

Feeling his skin against her makes her smile when she remembers the last minutes. He holds her close to him in turn and runs his hand through her long brown hair.

"Are you staying the night?" He asks and she gets up on her elbows to face him, still on his chest.

"Only if I get a great breakfast tomorrow morning..." She smiles and pecks his lips.


Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading this second part!

Love you all.


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