Chapter 1:The Coronation!

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Dont play music yet

The halls where ladened with thosands apon thousands of royal banners. I was fast walking down the corridors towards my ladies quarters, passing the great hall I could see the tables overflowing with food and drink.

As i walked the cloping of my heels hitting the stone floor echoed throught the castle. I finally reached the door to their room and before the guards outside could even reach for the door i had swung it open. It hit the walls making a loud thud as the door handles bounced back on the wood. I walked into the room my four ladies staring at me.

Kanan looked up from her sewing, Yuga turned round from her vanity, Senshi stood up from reading about swords hiding the book behind her and Boken was stoped sorting her dress to look at me.

Boken:"whats wrong Rura?"

She wondered over to me placing her hands on my shoulders.

Rura:"I-I can't go through with this, its far too much!"

The rest of the girls ran over to me, some still half dressed.

Yuga:"Goodness gracious, whats hapened to you? Yesterday you could have been the happiest woman alive?"

Rura:"I have come to the realization of what im about to do."

There was so much confidence in my voice at this point it became uncanny.

Rura:"Im a damned fool to believe i can become ruler of Odalo, Especially with Jaakuna acting like a thorn in my side!"

Boken sighed.

Boken:"I know thats not the real reason Rura, You could stand up to that acidulous woman anyday."

She had found me out once again I sat down on the seat by the glass window facing out towards the sea and ran my hand through my long brown hair.

Kanan:"Rura are you still worried about not being able to find a suitor who is...well.. suitable?"

I looked away from her giving her too obvious an answer.

Kanan:"Rura dont be so ridiculous, you will find someone who you will love and they will love you back!"

Rura:"I guess so..."

I turned back around looking at the girls. I could see out the corner of my eye that senshi was reading her book again.

Rura:"Senshi, if you don't mind me asking what are you reading?"

Of course I already knew it was another weaponry book or armorers book but she alway had a habit of hiding them so suitors wouldn't turn away. Which is rather absurd as it would probably be more likely to reel them towards her.

Senshi:"I-Its Nothing!

She was now starting to hide them from us.

Rura:"Senshi its ok to like other things that we don't like, for instance Bokan loves sailing! I chose you because i wanted something more that an elegant lady i wanted someone with a personality."

She smiled and pulled me into a gentle hug.

Shenshi:"Thank you Rura..."

When i was released from shenshi's grip i turned slightly to see Yuga with her hands on her hips looking at me with a disproving look.

Yuga:"So do all queens run about in nightclothes?"

I looked down and sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck.

Rura:"No, not usually...."

She gave a sigh and some of the other girls giggled. She then proceeded to usher me to the bathroom. I will not describe the changing process because she placed so many layers on my body i was finding it hard to breath.

I was lead out her holding my arm guiding me away from the bathroom. I was wearing a gourgous dress was red with gold glittery roses embroidered on it. The sleeves were off the shoulders and the dress dragged on the floor gracefully.

Kanan:"Rura you look outstanding in that dress!"

She had her hands clasped over her heart the other girls beside her. Boken then walked over clasping a brush in her hand and began to tug the mess i called hair.


Boken:"Stop being a wooss!"

She tugged harder and by the time she had finished my head was throbbing. I sat at the vanity and looked in the mirror.

Rura:"Beauty is pain i suppose?"

My hair was half up, half down with plats joining at the back of my head.

Play Music Now

Royal Guard:"It's time your grace."

I could hear the excited chatter coming from the great hall. As i steadied myself on my feet. I heard the clip clopping of my ladies heels echoing down the halls towards me and as if all at once the grand hall doors flew open before me. Like instinct i began to walk down the aisle. My loyal subject each side watching this moment. I reached the top of the hall and my ladies,Yuga, Boken, Kanan and shenshi one by one took there places, Kanan and Yuga on my right, Boken and Shenshi on my left. So this was it, i was becoming queen.

The prest raised his hands signaling the comencment. As he began to read out of his bible. I was handed a silver sphere studded with jems and a staff which was also silver and studded with jems. They where cold and reminded me being queen was going to be a cold harsh job.

I turned round swooshing my long royal dress behind me and looked my steward. Tetsu Hato in the eyes as he gave me a cheeky smirk. I almost lost my elegance but i quickly composed myself.

"I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU QUEEN RURA JINRUI OF TENQOKU!" The prest yelled to the crowed as they all got up and bowed/curtsied towards me showing there support. Tetsu who was up the back rolled his eyes jokingly and bowed throwing his hand up in the air almost hitting a lord. I then watched him profusely apologize.

I smirked as i turned round avoiding the crowd who made me act serious as the prest handed me four rings, one for each lady. He then pronunced them one by one as Shenshi approached me bowing in an elegant manor. Shenshi's ring had a sword and her initials engraved on it i slid it on her middle finger as she placed her right hand on her left shoulder and read her vow to pledge her loyalty to me.

Next it was boken. She had a boat on her ring which was cradling her initials. She did the same as Shenshi and read the oath. The other two girls read there oaths and got there rings. Yuga had a chefs hat on her ring and Kanan had a dress on hers. Both also had initials. After the ceremomy its self there was a ball although i didn't stick round for long as i felt rather sick i would of went to go see Tetsu but he was out talking to some citizens for me.

All this for me...

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