I can only stare at my twisting fingers as I reply. "Partially, but if he didn't know, I would gladly settle for a chance at a goodbye." My jaw shifts for a moment as I try to fight back my emotions. "It wasn't supposed to go like this, you know. We were supposed to take care of the cure business and leave–travel the world together. It was supposed to be us seeing the world by each other's side–happy and free. So yes, I want to bring him back, and if I do, I highly doubt we'd stay here for long."

I'm met with only silence as I wipe my eyes. "I'm sorry. This was stupid; I shouldn't have bothered you with this." I stand up and make my way to the door.

Three words stop me in my tracks. "I'll help you." I turn back expecting Bonnie to be on the couch, silently waiting for me to leave. Instead, she's on her feet watching me. "It's not stupid. I'm pretty sure I'd be the same way if I lost Jeremy." It's hard to hide my shock, no one ever told me they were together, and Jeremy's crush made me assume he was single. Bonnie doesn't notice as she continues. "So I'll help you contact him on one condition–if you bring him back, you have to make sure he doesn't hurt Jeremy or come back to Mystic Falls."

As if I can control another person's actions. Still, knowing Kol, he would likely be more than happy to escape Mystic Falls and the Mikaelson drama, but the hard part would be keeping him from revenge. I'm sure it wouldn't be an entirely impossible task though. "Okay. Let's get started."

It took us two hours to make all the necessary preparations. Most of it consisted of Bonnie and Rebekah arguing on where to do it, while I flipped through Sheila and Esther's grimoires to create a patchwork spell. Eventually, they agreed to do it at the Salvatore mansion with Jeremy and Rebekah watching.

Bonnie lights the wick of the last candle as I lay on the floor of the living room. "So, I'll use this spell to stop Lee's heart–"

Rebekah cuts off her explanation prematurely. "–only for five minutes. A second more and–well, even your little hunter won't be able to stop me." I glare at Bex before reassuring Bonnie to continue.

"Exactly. That means you have five minutes to find and talk to Kol. After that, I'll restart your heart, which as long as you remained tethered to this side, will pull you back to your body."

"Sounds like a plan to me." I adjust my shoulders to get comfortable and give everyone a reassuring smile. My hand reaches out for Rebekah, who I asked to be my tether to this world. It seemed only fitting that the sister of my best friend and boyfriend, who has become like a sister to me too, should be my link. "Let's do this."

Rebekah kneels down beside me and takes my now un-casted hand in hers. She dragged me to the doctor after giving me her blood, and once they confirmed the bones had indeed miraculously healed, she demanded they take the casts off. Her smile is warm despite the tears starting to build in her eyes. "Tell my brother he better be saving his mischief for when he gets back, and–tell him how much we all miss him, even Nik."

"I will. Just make sure to keep a hold of me." I promise her and gently squeeze her hand in reassurance. She keeps a hold of my hand as Bonnie begins the spell, and I soon find myself grateful to know she's there as my heart stutters in my chest before coming to a screeching halt.

The first thing I notice when I come to my senses it the change in my surroundings. The living room of the Salvatore's home is replaced by what looks like the inside of a wooden crate. Stuffing and straw pass through my legs as if I don't exist, which I suppose I don't.

Next, I notice the girl sobbing and cowering in the corner. She whispers to no one and occasionally cries out in pain. She looks up as if to see another ghost in front of her, and a tremble passes through me at her appearance. I understand now why everyone can mistake Katherine for Elena. There's virtually no difference between the girl in front of me and Elena, except for her curly hair and ancient greek style dress.

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