The Mission

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Hey y'all I'm back!!! Hope you enjoy my new book.

Sabine and Ezra where sent on a recon mission on lothal. They where in a spotter position in the hills over looking an Imperial complex. Ezra and Sabine have been secretly together for almost 6 months now. They knew every detail about each other and every secret they had they told each other.

"Hey bean?" he asked as he looked through binos. "Yeah ez?" she asked looking through the scope of her rifle. "What do you want to do after all of this." he asked as he looked over at her. "Well I'm kinda hungry." she said clearly not understand what he was asking. "No.... I mean after the war. What do you want us to be?" he asked as he took her free hand. "Oh... Ezra you shouldn't need to ask.... I love you. You know that I want to be with you." she said smiling. She leaned over and kissed him. "I love you too bean." he said as he rubbed circles in her back. "Ezra I..." she started to say as an explosion hit right above them. "Keiff they found us... Lets get out of here." Sabine said grabbing her rifle. As the they started to run across the hill top and explosion hit next to the two of them sending them both flying down the hill side. Ezra was knocked out and Sabine landed only a few meters away. Her leg was broken and she couldn't move to well. She got up fighting through the pain and grabbed ezra. She dragged him away to a near by dug out that had a rock over heading. She laid down with her blaster out hoping Ezra would be okay. She looked down at her comm and it was all broken apart. She couldn't call for help. "Well isn't this a fine mess we have gotten our selfves into this time." she said as she held ezra next to her.

Thoughts? Hope you guys like it.

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