"What is it?" I asked dreamily, wanting him to say something more, anything at all. I waited but he continued to let his eyes hover around my face, taking in every detail. I felt my cheeks flush under his gaze.

"I never thought I would meet someone like you. You're different; you're stronger than anyone I've ever met, even amongst the hybrids. I'll help you in whatever you need; I'll be there for you." His lips came closer as his words left them, brushing against mine. My lips burned at his touch.

Desperately our kiss deepened. Our lips sought out one another like a desert plant seeking out the slightest drop of water. His body felt amazing next to mine. Our arms held on tight, not wanting to let go of each other. Now that we had found one another, would we ever let go? Would the differences between our worlds and our blood keep us apart or pull us closer together? I wanted to know the answer to that, hoping that the desire engulfing us now would be enough to make it happen.

"Ow!" I pulled away slightly, bringing my hand to my lip which was oozing a sliver of blood where Rye's fang had grazed me. I looked at him in surprise before I burst out laughing. The look of sudden fear filled his eyes, concerned about the injury he had given me. My laugh made him stare back in confusion. I pulled him closer, letting my head fall to his chest, listening to his heart beating almost as fast as mine. It made me smile to know that he was just as flustered as I was.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to–I should be more careful," he offered as he tightened his embrace, rubbing his chin against my soft hair. He sighed happily as we stood there, holding on to one another for dear life.

"It's ok," I whispered. "It's just a scratch." I licked the metallic taste away from my sore lip. He pulled away and held me at arm's length, studying my face as I returned his stare. "What's wrong?" I asked, feeling the nervousness slip back into my chest.

"I don't really understand why I feel this way. But this is something that burns inside me like a raging fire. I've wanted to tell you that from the moment we met. I want you to know something first, though." Rye paused as he took a deep breath, looking slightly distressed.

"Know what?" I asked with curiosity laced with uncertainty. I was afraid to hear what he was going to say but I knew that he had to say it now, no matter what.

"The year that we've been here, after we'd mutated, we discovered that if we fell in love with someone we would leave the ones we came with, even if we were married, to be with that person. It's like our new DNA compels us to want that other person, like two souls binding." He paused, sighing with some strain.

We sat on the bed as I continued to listen to his story.

"It was unexplainable at first but we discovered that it was necessary, as if once we had mutated and found 'the one' we became mated forever. I don't know if you understand that, but I wouldn't have believed it either if I hadn't witnessed it myself."

I shifted on the bed as I listened, leaning my chin on one of my knees.

"So," I pondered, "if a married couple came to your hive and one of them bonded to another vampire they would leave their spouse to be with this other person? Like, forever?" My eyebrows lifted as I glanced back at him, surprised and slightly impressed. "What if the other person didn't want that? Do both bind to someone else or just one of them? What if you don't find this other half even if your spouse did? What then?" I studied his face, my heart now a calm drummer in my chest. I wondered if this phenomenon explained our feelings.

"Then we'd remain alone." Rye glanced at me, looking deadly serious with his now rounded discs of silver and gold. I wanted to kiss him again, to feel that fire he had ignited burn again in my chest. I glanced away, restraining myself as I smiled at the naughty thoughts that flashed through my mind.

"How many are paired in your hive? Does the other hive experience the same thing?" I asked quietly.

"Yes. Seraphin has confirmed that this is not an isolated trait. The other hive suffers from the same compulsion. Many of us are paired, many are not. It is random, it seems, and it looks quite bleak for some of us." Rye leaned back on the bed, slumping down with his hands on his belly, looking quite relaxed. I smiled and shifted to let my head snuggle his shoulder as he brought his arm around me. His closeness was like a calm in a stormy ocean. I had not felt so peaceful in a long time. I could almost call it happiness if it hadn't been for my constant concern for my family. If only I could have them with me, here or back at our bunker, safe and sound.

Still, I felt he had not told me everything, but I dismissed the feeling for now.

I smiled as another thought occurred to me. "Not so bleak for us, right?"

His hand rubbed my arm and pulled me in and brought his face close to mine, his eyes shining like beacons flashing across a dark ocean.

"Definitely not."

Reign of Blood (The Vampires of Vegas Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now