She was smart. A virus had likely consumed her laptop and gave them access to all the contents of her computer. Disgusted, she changed her password and shut it closed.

   Juna was feeling generous today and decided to dismiss Henley for the afternoon. Instead, she hitched her go-bag over her shoulder and ordered an Uber. The driver was nice enough and thankfully, silent the entirety of the drive to the train station. In the car, she texted Keeley.

   Your family is invited over for dinner. Be here at seven.

   Union Station was bustling with people, which was unsurprising considering it was Sunday. Weekend long trips ended today and everyone was required to return to the normalcy of the working class. For Juna, however, nothing was normal about her getaway.

   Juna, deciding that the mafia likely kept tabs on her via her cellphone, got on her hands and knees and smashed her device against the cement. People gawked at the girl, who they were sure needed to be locked up in the looney bin, as she tossed the shattered phone into the nearest trash can and dusted off her skirt.

"What? That was a complete accident." Juna said towards a middle-aged woman who stared for much too long. Horrified, she ushered away her children, glancing back occasionally. This made her smile.

Her train ride was a little over two hours and when she stepped off at noon, the Richmond air was refreshing. Remembering her smashed phone, Juna hailed a taxi and paid in cash in order to get to her sister's lavish town home.

The exterior was not as grand or abrasive as their father's mansion, but the interior decor screamed Van der Heeney women. She rung the doorbell, waited, then rung it four more times in an impatient manner that was the embodiment of Juna.

A disheveled man flung open the door in his boxers. Juna scrunched up her nose in distaste at the sight, taking a step back at the putrid man. "Is my sister here?"

Jadyn Van der Heeney had the libido of a succubus and embraced her vulgarity to the full extent. She had taken multiple men in her bed, all condone by her just as experimental husband. All too many details for Juna liking, but the truth had been revealed when she spent the summer here a few years ago.

The man scratched the back of his head brutishly. "Uh, yeah. J, some girl's here, says she's your sister!"

Juna narrowed her eyes at the man. "I am her sister," she shoved her petite body through the gap in the door, purposefully smacking her shoulder with his. "Her taste in men decreases each time her body count increases. Unfortunate."

The man was stunned at her nasty tongue. Then he laughed, "Yeah, definitely your sister, J."

Jadyn appeared around the corner in an oversized shirt with a grin plastered on her lips. Sweat covered her hairline and surely other places that Juna didn't want to think of. Her recent hookup closed the front door and shuffled into the kitchen, but not before planting a kiss on her Jadyn's cheek.

"I thought Justin said no affection outside of bed?" Juna questioned teasingly.

Jadyn scoffed and crossed her arms across her chest, "Yeah, he did. That kiss was hardly affection, just slobbery and intrusive. Why are you here?"

"Is that really how you greet your favorite sibling?" Juna mocked, dropping her bag and rolling her shoulders. The house was as spectacular as she remembered, with high ceilings and marvelous Roman arches that contrasted greatly with the salt and pepper marble floor.

"You're my only sibling." she countered, embracing Juna in a sticky hug.

"Touché. Get Justin, now. I need him for a job back home, I'll pay him. Has to be today, though, sorry to interrupt."

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