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I am the fire,That burns through a field I am the ocean,That drowns a thousand soldiersI am death itself You better fucking run

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I am the fire,
That burns through a field
I am the ocean,
That drowns a thousand soldiers
I am death itself
You better fucking run


It's been three days since he left his room, Jensen stared at the wall opposite of him watching the moonlight crawl and morph itself. John has attempted to enter the room hundreds of times only to fail, Andy didn't even try. Jensen's room was practically destroyed from his haywire powers due to his emotions, glass shattered across the floor and warped metal of lamps causing strange patterns of light on the bed.

"Jensen?" Caitlyn asks as she knocks gently on the door, flicking his wrist he opened the door but didn't move to look at her. "I thought you might be hungry, here's Mac and cheese I'll leave it on the table"

Caitlyn moved across the room placing the bowl in front of him on the table, she turned slightly and saw the tear stains rolling down his cheeks. "Oh Jensen"

Placing her hands on Jensen's cheek, Jensen leaned into it instantly needing any comfort he could get. Whiskey eyes staring into Caitlyn's sent shivers up her spine, the boy's eyes seemed hollow dead almost it scared her.

"I-I wish I was normal, I wish I wasn't a freak" Jensen whispered before burying his head into the crevice of Caitlyn's neck as tears began to escape once again.

"You are not s freak Jensen. You are strong, handsome, intelligent, and kind. You are a mutant, not a freak" Caitlyn whispered to him trying to calm the crying boy in any attempt to slow his breathing. The cold air that hung in the room instantly seemed to warm up as his breathing went to a normal pace.


"Jensen" Andy called out grabbing the boy's waist as he ran up behind him, a blush creeped up Jensen's face as Andy placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I think you broke him Andy" Lauren teased after seeing Jensen's blushing face turn a deeper shade of red. "Yup definitely a malfunction, He's resetting his software. Ten hour later he'll be a new computer!"

Andy sent Lauren a playful glare as she walked away carrying a case of water to hand out to others in the underground. A blush creeped up Andy's as Jensen kissed his cheek in return as Jens walked away into his room to take a nap once again leaving himself to alone time at underground or as much as you can't get before getting woken up by Andy saying Caitlyn made extra so he could have dinner with them.

"Wakey wakey sunshine! Time to get up and eat okay? Perfect! Get dressed"

Jensen rolled his eyes at Andy's bossy attitude but could help but laugh at the silly voice and faces to accompany the voice. It took around three hours before Andy cracked and got rid of his attitude. Helpful but still hard to get rid of from Andy, he's seriously a crazy little man. Jensen ate his food before thanking them and going home to take his much deserved nap time on the sofa.

I'm Just a Kid ••• Andy Strucker [Discontinued]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora