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Josh and I walked hand in hand to a nearby park. We've only been dating a few weeks now and I don't feel like I have to worry anymore. Josh talked to Debby, I don't know what he told her, but they ended their relationship. I still do feel guilty a lot of the time, though. Josh tells me not to. I'll get over it eventually.

"Someday I think I'll kick Tyler out of the band," Josh jokes. "and I'll replace him with you. I don't think people will mind if you're the lead singer,"

"They will once they hear how awful I am at singing," I laugh. "and how bad I am at rapping. Have you ever heard me try to rap Heavydirtysoul?"

"No. Can today be the day that I do?" Josh asked.

"Definitely not today. Or ever," I smile.

We kept walking until we got to an area with a fountain surrounded by benches. We sat down and stared in different directions. "Brendon and Sarah are having a party at their house," Josh tells me. "I mean, I guess it's a party. I don't really know what we're going to be doing there, but they told me a lot of our friends are going. Do you want to go?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" I asked. 

"Well, just the last party we went to wasn't really the greatest..." Josh shrugs.

"Oh," I remember it all. "Oh well, that's all over now. We don't have to worry anymore."

"Yeah," Josh sighs happily. "We'll leave at seven. I'll take you."

I nod my head and smile. 

--Time Skip--

We walked into Sarah and Brendon's house, not knowing what to expect. We didn't know if people were going to be going wild or just sitting there and reading books. 

It was kind of like the bonfire that was at Debby's house a while ago but without the fire. There were people scattered everywhere doing their own stuff. Josh and I decided to look for Brendon and/or Sarah first, just to let them know we're here.

We found Sarah first in the kitchen with Jenna.

"No, you have to spray the pan first-" Jenna pauses when she sees us. "Oh hi, guys."

"Hi!" I smile.

"Hey," Josh waves.

"We're baking cookies," Sarah laughs. "Would you like to join us?"

"Sure!" I say.

"I'm going to find Tyler," Josh begins to walk away. "Don't burn the house down, kids."

We laugh. It's easy to bake basic chocolate chip cookies but Sarah and I made it difficult for Jenna to work. We kept eating the cookie dough while she wasn't looking and other small stuff like that. 

When we were done, I walked outside to see if Josh was there. I saw him, Brendon, and someone else that I didn't recognize. I didn't know if I should walk over to them but I saw Josh looking my way. I began to walk over to them.

"This is my girlfriend, (Y/n)," Josh said. "(Y/n) this is Liam."

 I looked at Liam and stood there with a helpless smile on my face. I know him. I know him! I hate him! 

"H-hi," I say.

"Hey (Y/n)! It's been a while," He said with a suspicious smile.

"You guys know each other?" Brendon looked shocked.

"Oh yeah! We used to be close friends. Very close friends," Liam kept eye contact with me. I didn't want to be scared of him, but I was. I was frozen. I didn't want to look at Brendon, and I was way to scared to look at Josh. 

I snapped out of my zone. I began to think very quickly. I had to get out of this conversation. I looked at my phone. "Well, it was nice seeing you again. I have to call my mom. See you!" I lied. I sprinted off towards the house and into the nearest bathroom. This feels familiar.

"(Y/n)?" I hear Josh say outside of the bathroom. "You seemed nervous... Is something wrong?"

Like the time at the bonfire.

I opened the bathroom door.

When something bad happened.

"YES! SOMETHING IS WRONG! Liam and I aren't just close friends! We used to be dating, but he's almost insane. He wouldn't leave me alone. He seemed so obsessed with me and now I'm worried he's jealous of us and that he might ruin our lives!"  Is what I wished I could tell him. 

I'd scream that if I could. 

But the words just wouldn't form. I didn't know if I was scared of what Liam could do if Josh knew or what Josh could do to Liam.

"It's just the heat," I laugh. "I guess that's what happens when I never leave my house. I'm not used to the heat."

Josh laughs. "The sun is about to set, so it should get cooler soon. Let's go watch the sunset. There's a cool spot a couple blocks from here where we can watch it. I'll carry you there if you're still dying."

"Who else is going?" I ask.

"No one," he replied. "Just us.

I smiled and we left the house quickly.

(Ohmygosh I finally published a new chapter. I didn't think I'd ever start writing again. BUT HERE YOU GO!)

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