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--Josh's P.o.V.--

I told (Y/n) to sit in the living room. I didn't go with her though. Instead, I walked into my bathroom and gathered my thoughts. You got this Josh. You can tell her. I stepped out and walked to (Y/n). I sat next to her on the couch.

"I want to break up with Debby."

She looked shocked. "Why? Is it because of the argument?" She said, panicking even more. "Wait, you said that the argument was about us. Josh I don't want to be the reason you two-"

"No, it's not you," I assure her. "Well, it kind of is- wait no! Not in a bad way! Kind of in a bad way... No!"

"Josh?" (Y/n) asks. "Please explain what is happening. I just want to know how I'm involved in this. I feel really bad about it but I don't know what I did..."

"You did nothing," I say. I take a deep breath and explain everything. Debby went through my phone and saw the texts from (Y/n) apologizing for asking me out, but it made no sense why Debby was mad. (Y/n) was apologizing.

She also didn't like the fact that I went to breakfast with (Y/n). She probably thought it was a date. Debby has seen the drama online, the ships between (Y/n) and I, and the conspiracies about us dating.

"But we aren't dating," (Y/n) begins. "You just need to talk to her and tell her-"

"No," I interrupt her. "You don't understand. It's not just the arguments it's because-"

I stop.

"What?" (Y/n) asks. "It's because of what?"

"It's really not that important," I tell her.

"Yes, it is," (Y/n) stares at me. "It is to me. I want to know what's wrong. I want to help you."

I didn't know what to say after that. Half of me wanted to just tell her the truth, but the other half was scared. (Y/n) stared at me and I stared right back at her. I had a strange feeling that was telling me she still liked me back, but I didn't know if I could trust it.

"Josh?" She asked, clearly concerned.

"(Y/n)," I take a deep breath. "The reason- the real reason- I want to break up with Debby is because I want to be with you."


The Run and Go (Josh Dun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now