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A/N: from now on i'm going to be switching to third person :) sorry for the inconvenience

Jo fluttered her eyes open as she listened to the birds chirping outside her window. She put her hand on top of Alex's, lacing their fingers. She squeezed her eyes shut, not ready to get out of bed. Today was both of their day off. She had wanted to do something, but now that she was in his arms, things changed. She didn't want to leave his warm and inviting embrace.

She nuzzled her head back, into Alex's chest. In response, Alex pulled her frail body closer. He tried keeping his eyes open as he brushed his thumb over Jo's hand.

Jo felt safest in his arms. Like nothing in the world could hurt her with him around. She fell asleep as the sun graced her cheeks and nose. The glow made the curve of her mouth more apparent. She always seemed to be smiling when she slept. Alex adored that smile. It was his favourite thing in the world, and to think there might be one just like it soon warmed his heart.

He traced circles on her arm as he fully woke up. He didn't plan on waking her up, nor did he plan on getting out of bed. This was perfect. He was with his two favourite humans. One of them being the unborn child, of course. Nevertheless, life couldn't have been better.

He took in a deep breath of Jo's signature scent. It didn't smell like anything you'd find in a store. Maybe it was a mix of her deodorant and perfume. Or her conditionor. Whatever it was, it made Jo, Jo. Alex tucked a piece of her chestnut hair behind her ear, looking down at her features.

You could tell, just by looking at her, that her skin was soft. Her hair glistened a golden brown in the sun. It was beautiful.

He pressed his lips onto her temple. He couldn't help it. It was like it was telling him too.

He needed to wake her up, as much as he didn't want to. Alex had a plan for the day. It was a bright and sunny Saturday, so why not? He gently shook Jo's arm, "Jo?"

"Mmm?" She grumbled as she woke up. Again. "What time is it?"

"It's ten." He said, chuckling under his breath. He sat up and readjusted his pillows, pulling Jo up with him. "Let's go."

After getting ready they headed to the first destination; the park.

Alex pulled the blanket out of his bag. "Hold the other corners." He instructed as they laid the red blanket on the slightly damp grass. They sat down, interlocking their fingers.

"Why did you take me here?" She pulled out their pasta from the night before.

"Because. I wanted to do something different."

"Oh" She nodded, pealing the ziplock lid off. She handed Alex a fork. They were going to share a dish. They liked to say it was to save water, when in reality, they were just plain lazy.

"I'll be right back." Jo said, standing up "Your baby is kicking my bladder." She started walking toward the bathroom.

As she walked in she was overwhelmed with the awful stench you'd find in any public bathroom. She clenched her jaw, trying to keep her gag reflex. It would make any person gag, not to mention she was pregnant.

After using it she walked out. She felt a warm hand wrap around her waist. She jumped, talking a deep breath as she realized it was just her boyfriend. "Hey.. It's just me." Alex stroked her cheek, taking her hand as they walked back.

They packed up and headed home. Jo was tired, as usual.

Jo laid down in their bed as Alex cleaned up the loft. He was well adjusted to cleaning up after people. He had been doing it his entire life.

He crawled into bed next to Jo. He wrapped his arm around her, falling asleep "I love you." He mumbled.

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