After life

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I am standing still an alone

I can't remember anything

The only thing I remember is waking up cold

I try to talking to people but they just ignore me, they all look sad I'm try to figure out why they are sad

"You look like you can't figure it"

I look up to see the most gorgeous boy I've ever seen


"Your dead"

Then a person walks through me, am I really dead

"Don't believe me go look"

He points over to a coffin

I take carful steps over there

When I get to where I can see I look down an come face-to-face with myself

I'm laying cold motionless

I froze at seeing my dead body

I walk back over to where I was standing, the boy comes back over to me to

"How did I die"

That's the only question I could ask

"Only you can answer that"

I look at him confused

What did he mean

"We stay on earth till we find out how we died, an when we do find out we have a choice to say or move on"

With that he disappeared

All I could think after that was that song

'A thousand years'

I still think,

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