Chapter 5:Wow..Is That Sayori?

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AN This will be the last chapter! I'm really running out of ideas for this! I will be writing another book for BHNA though.

Your POV

We were walking home after some time cuddling and talking about life in the park. Suddenly, Sayori a bit off topic to our conversation. "I..wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me. Your constant reassurance, and even taking time out of your day to hang out with little ole me hehe. And I kinda wanna repay you for that I go!" I was super confused, what was she meaning? I didn't have time to finish that thought when suddenly I felt her lips on mine. I was so in shock to kiss her back so I stood there awkwardly dying inside. When she finally stepped away, she giggled a bit to herself. I asked what she was laughing about, and she very plainly told me," You look so cute when you blush, you know? It looks like you have a fever and I can't contain my laughter!" You sigh and look away pouting calling her mean for teasing you. She says sorry while stilling laughing and you both go back to Sayori's home hand in hand. Once we both got there, we headed back to her room. "I'm exhausted, do you wanna take a quick cat nap for a bit? I'm sure (Parent/Guardian) wouldn't mind if you texted them asking." Sayori sleepy spoke while yawning. You replied,"Oh no I'm sure they wouldn't, plus I don't hate the thought of getting a little shut eye. Could I get some blankets to sleep on the couch?" Sayori quietly said," You could nap with me you know.." I look at her and couldn't help but smile, I really do love her. I quickly agreed as we both went to her room to get ourselves comfortable in her bed. Right before I was about to fall asleep, Sayori looked over to me, quietly smiled, and said, " I-I love you..Y/N... please never forget that." Y/N looked back over to her. " And I love you too Sayori.. " Sayori scooted closer to me and I held onto their waist pulling to closer into a side hug. I held onto Sayori's hands and slowly drifted into sleep, into of us living our lives together, side by side.

AN FINALLY FUCKING FINISHED- Sorry if it's like a cliff hanger of sorts since I didn't really have an idea for another chapter. So anyways, I have to get started on another story which I have LOTS of ideas about so, see you peeps l8ter!

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