meet the guys

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Your name: (y/n)
Hair color: (h/c)

((Takes place in total drama action))

The producers thought of hiring a female co-hist for the next season. You were chosen since you became quite popular and had experience as a hostess before. You had a limo drive you to the set for total drama action. Since there wasn't anything to do yet you looked around the set.

"Who may you be?" A voice poped up

You turn to the voice and smirked "I'm your female co host and where can I start tortureing the kids? " You said with a sweet smile

"Finally someone that gets the humilation!" Shouted in joy.

You two started to laugh until it was time to roll.
This will be interesting.

((After action))

Dj finally came clean on cheating in the game and left the show. He felt proud that he listened to his conscience and told the truth. Djs mom awarded her sons honesty with taking him with her to a culinary school owned by her friend and kid. When they entered into the school it smelt like pure bliss.

Dj walked around the building and looked through a window door to find a girl cooking in the kitchen by herself. He knocked and opened the door to greet her.

"Hi, I'm DJ" he introduced himself.

You looked up from what you were doing and smiled.

"(Y/n), nice to meet you." she politely said.

"Whatcha cooking?" DJ asked.

"Recreating the disney food, the eat me cookies." You chirped.

"From alice and wonderland?! That is awesome!" DJ exclaimed.

"It is one of my favorite disney movies." Your smile widened.

After that you 2 finish makeing the cookies and you give some to DJ to eat and can take to share with his mom. You got each others numbers and you 2 would cook together more.

((After duncan got dumped by Gwen))
Chris needed to throw someone in that was crazy and yet cool, who else than his own flesh and blood. You are his neice and you were a trouble maker ,but never got caught in action. The competers were pissed to find another person to beat exept for Gwen and Duncan.

You were walking around to find a good piece of wood to carve into. You found a piece of wood and found the toughest guy in the show mopping. You rolled your eyes and walk over for once going to try to be nice.

"Hey" you bluntly say.

Duncan turned his head towards you.

"What do you want?" Duncan sternly questioned.

You just lazily shrug and sat next to him.

"I dont know, learn to for once be nice to stranger that looks like he watched a sad movie or find a piece a wood to carve with. Anyways whats up?"

Duncan let out a sigh.

"I got dumped." He said.

"Well the best way to get over that is by forgetting them and living your life. It is your life not hers so not to worry." You explained.

"But she broken up with me because of my other ex makeing her feel crappy!"

"How about you just get revenge then?"

((After show))

Poor poor mike. He got dumped by his now ex zoey. They were still going to be friends but it still hurt for mike. He locked himself in his room almost a week until he finally went to the park to gain some fresh air. He sat on a bench next to a girl with pretty (h/c). She was drawing pictures of realistic flowers and skuns..... skulls that shoot bullets.

"You like my drawing?" She asked

Mike lightly jump and scrambled over his words earning a laugh from her.

"Hey it is no problem, im (y/n) btw, you?"

"M-mike" he replied.

After that they started to talk about random stuff and stories and got each others numbers. Mike finally has a reason to go outside now


You guys meet on all stars and became friends. It started from you two discussing about plans for future challenges in the hotel after the 1st challenge.

"Good to see you at dinner (y/n)." He greeted you politely.

"Same here, this is the life but we need to secure this or we can play around with it."

"What are you implying?" He asked.

"We were the top villains of out of our seasons but the only difference is I didn't get caught." I explained.

"So you want to form an alliance."

You nodded in response while he thought of his decision.


"It would be easy and cunning the alliance, to add no one would suspect a thing and I can get my revenge on heather! Genius."


"I expect mi amiga."


Soon heather walked in glaring daggers at Alejandro but chatted with you a bit before she left.

  You guys meet each other through Sierra surprisingly. She had gained a new obsession but would still hangout with Cody and be less clingy to him. She introduced you two by dragging you, literally dragging you, to the park. You guys had candy ate and you two had a lot of fun as Sierra fangirled inside. It turns out your both clumsy sugar loving dorks but you know how to fight hard.

(Simple and sweet)

You two bumped into each other at a museum.... about food so your food loving friend and Noah's friend, Owen, dragged you two to the museum. You meet at the coffee exhibit while your friends were at ice cream land.

"How I can use a giant cup of coffee right now." You commented

"And Advil." He rubbed his temples.

"Good call... friend that loves food dragged you here too."

"Sadly, you too?" He asked

You nodded then you both talked about history and science until you found your friends. You guys exchanged numbers.

It was an average day at school with Duncan and Gwen. They were your best of friends but you were practically liked by everyone. You were not loved people respected you, even heather respects you for helping her once. Your never a push over and you got annoyed by Scott on a daily until a new kid transferred. Scott was doing his usual flirting until Duncan ran over to you in fear. Telling you about a kid named mal then running away. Ok, that weird. You walked off and dumped into him. You introduced him to the teachers and shown him around. Scary, yes. Chill? Very much so. You exchanged numbers while Duncan starred at awe. After that Scott never bothered you. You always wondered why.

((Jesus so many spelling errors.... I am fixing every single chapter)))

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