Chapter 2

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   I dressed in a teal dress with a glittered bodice, and silver heels. I looked at my self in the mirror while the maid did my hair.  I started to think about how boring tonight would be, and then I thought of John. I smiled at the thought and continued admiring my reflection. When the maid was done with my hair she told me I would be escorted to dinner by "my soon to be husband" I tell you they are crazy if they think I am going to marry that man.

  I walked out of my room to be greeted by Chandler. "Octoviana, you look quite ravishing, come we will be late for dinner." We linked arms and walked to the grand dinning room where many tables filled with wealthy people were set up. We sat at one of the many tables and waited for the other's to arrive. A few other wealthy people would be having dinner with us. "So tell me Octoviana of what vital importance is you associating with an officer that it would be brought to my attention by a hand maid?" I looked at him stunned. "Hmm?" Celeste must have told him. It was only a smile sheesh. "Your hand maid notified me of unnecessary interaction with an officer." He told me with a neutral expression. "It was a pure act of courtesy." I said simply looking up at him. "Perhaps it would be better if you kept all unnecessary interaction with men to a minimum. They might get the wrong idea" Over protective freak. On the inside I was rolling my eyes but outwardly I was nodding and saying "of course". Soon some other people arrived including a gentlemen and his fiancé along with her mother and finally the captain.

   I met a woman I really liked. She was loud and very funny, and her name was Margret Brown. The girl my age's mother leaned close to me to whisper that Margret was what she called "new money". Hey money is money you have it or you don't and as far as I'm concerned she has it. I just told her thanks and offered her a smile, what a prideful wench. Her daughter on the other hand seemed rebellious and I thought her comments at the table were quite humorous yet very inappropriate. I could tell I'd like her. Her fiancé however seemed like a pompous jerk, but not gonna lie he was quite good looking. When it was over Chandler walked me to my room and then bid me a goodnight. I got undressed and ready for bed. I sat at my vanity brushing my hair and then stared at my reflection. I suppose it's lights out for me. I turned down the lamps and crawled into bed. That night I dreamed of John in a crisp suit escorting me to dinner. What was even more strange was he was referring to me as his wife. What a day.

The next morning I woke to Marisa yelling at my father in the next room. I rolled my eyes and blew some hair out of my face. Just then Celeste busted into the room telling me to get up. She drew me a bath and then left to arrange me an outfit. I bathed myself and then was perfumed by my maid. She had me stand while she tied my corset nearly cutting off my air supply. Today I wore a lavender and pale green dress with a lily in front of my waistline. It was my favorite dress. When my hair was braided and my maid finished making me up my father, Marisa, and I left for breakfast. I craned my neck looking to catch a glimpse of John but I didn't see him. "So Octoviana how's the ship treating you?" Mr.Andrews asked joining us. "It's quite lovely I've never seen anything like it." He grinned and starting making conversation with my father. Just then a man in a officer's uniform passed by but I quickly realized it wasn't John and sighed disappointedly. In a just a short time he made me smile more than I have in months. He was funny and courteous and not to mention very handsome. I was brought out of my thoughts by a nudge. "What has you so deep in thought Octoviana?" I shrugged offering my father a small smile. "I'm just not feeling to well, excuse me." I said before making my exit.

   I walked around aimlessly until I ran into Margret Brown. "Hello Octoviana how are ya doing?" I smiled at the burly woman. "Hello Mrs.Brown I'm fine thanks I'm just wondering around." "I'm afraid I've been left behind by the ladies, been trying to converse with them all morning." "Don't waist your time Margret you have more personality than all of them put together." She smiled kindly at me. "They are pretty bland aren't they?" "As bland as stale bread". She laughed a little. "Finally someone who understands, and you're a Sinclair! Heard your father's shacked you up with a Merrick! Boy will your kids be fortunate." I frowned a bit. "I'm sure they will." The thought of having kids with a man I hardly know scares me. "What's the matter Hun?" She asked placing her hand on my back comfortingly. "I just wish I had a say in the decision." I mumbled truthfully. "I'm sure your father had your best interest in mind." She said trying to cheer me up. " I'd hope so. Any way I should be getting back they will wonder where I've been." I told her mustering up a small smile "Alright well if you need someone to talk to Ill be around." She said with a smile. "Thanks Margret."  "Anytime."

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