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Spoilers for 5x22 The End. Third person but Fitz's thoughts.

Light hits his eyes as the rubble is lifted away in Mack and May's hands.

"Hey little buddy, you had me worried," Mack says. "We've got you, just hang in there."

Fitz nods shakily. As they clear the rocks away he sees both his hands trembling wildly in the air. Fitz pulls a hand to his face and inhales. "I hope you saved some energy, cause... my leg's pinned, I think it's broken," he manages. He can't help but laugh weakly. "You'll have to carry me out."

The rubble shifts and he presses both hands to his eyes, gasping in breaths.

"We got you, Turbo," he hears Mack say.

"I- I think it's a bad break, because I can't feel it," he chokes out. Jemma would know. She'd know just what to do.

He pulls his hands away from his face and turns them in front of him. They are marked with dirt and bruises all up and down, and still shaking. Dark, purple patterns of bruises- beautiful- Jemma would love to see them. Fascinating, she'd say.

"Relax, buddy, just breathe," says Mack now, and his voice is softer but it startles Fitz from his thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah. Okay." Fitz tries to follow orders, because Mack's the director now, but his heart just won't stop beating fast and his whole body feels shaky and numb.

Mack grips his hand tight. "Just breathe. Okay. I'm gonna stay with you."

Fitz holds on, but that sounds wrong, nobody should be staying here, they should be leaving, should be running.

"I'm gonna find a way out of this."

"Yeah. Okay. Okay." Fitz lets his head fall back against his rock pillow. If Mack says he'll find a way, it'll be okay, Mack always knows what to do, Mack always helps people. Helps... Polly. Fitz pulls his head back up and he points shakily towards the exit. "Right, well we should hurry up and... and get Polly out, cause she's in danger...."

May makes no move to hurry at all. "She's safe now," she says softly.

She's safe now. She's safe?

"Yeah, you got her out," says Mack, and his voice sounds funny. "You did good, Turbo. You did really good."

Fitz's breath falls from his mouth and he leans back again. "Okay." That's good. That's all he ever wanted to do.

He knows they should go, but he doesn't want to move now, he doesn't think he could. And the room is so still and silent.

He startles at a soft noise and turns back to Mack. "Hey Mack," he whispers. He's forgotten something. He meant to say something. He doesn't know. He can't feel his legs. "I think my legs are... broken," he barely breathes.

Darkness is creeping into his vision.

"You've been through worse," Mack is saying.

Fitz struggles to keep his head up. The light is disappearing, and he's afraid if he looks away, it will all be gone.

But it isn't... the light behind Mack grows, burns white and bright and warm.

It draws him in. It's peaceful, feels like home.

So he lets go.

And Mack and May and all the rocks and all his thoughts disappear.

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