Chapter 94

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"Where to?" He asks me once we both get inside and I know I have to shower and get a change of clothes. 

"Drive me home." I say knowing the only place I have maternity clothes is at our house. I can shower and change without speaking to him right?

Harry's POV

I get her text at noon. It wakes me up from my very painful slumber against the door of our apartment. I let a breathe out and text her back. She doesn't answer. 

I stand up and realise my back is killing me. I went to Avery's, Oliver's, hell, even Alex's house last night. I looked through TMZ, E News, Tumblr, everything for a picture of her. They end a few blocks after she gets in a taxi. I almost cracked Alex's head open when he told me to fuck off. I called Jack's house to see if she went there. Nothing. She just disappeared. 

I called her until I fell asleep against the door so I would hear her come up if she decided to. I get up grunting as I grab her ring from the floor where I have been twirling it around my fingers as I waited for her.

What Alex said made her hate me. She has a right to be mad at me. She has every right. If only she would let me explain. Yesterday was the first time I cried over a girl. 

I walk into the living room and plug my phone in. I doubt she will answer me. I walk to the fridge and make myself coffee. I am running on 4 hours of sleep. I look at social media again as I drink my coffee to make sure there isn't any news. Just as I am about to give up. I see a picture of her in the parking lot. I can't make out who she is with since they are not in the shot but she is in the passenger seat so it must be someone. The caption says: saw Alex will a random dude in Jersey. Fuck. Who? 

I don't even think as I grab my car keys and drive off. If I stand at the end of the holland tunnel, they are bound to pass me. When I see her I'll jump out and stop the car.

She is smiling in the picture. Who the fuck is she with? Who can it fucking be? Avery and Oliver maybe but they don't have a Jeep. Alex? Maybe he has a Jeep. I searched his house, it can't be him. Who the fuck is it? I speed my way through, praying I can make it in time. 

Alex's POV

We take the Lincoln Tunnel back home since its closer to my house. I am praying that he is not home as I go upstairs after Jace insists on coming up with me. I get that he thinks Harry could be aggressive but I know he would never hurt me, the same doesn't go for Jace. 

"Harry?" I say once we enter. The house is empty. Jace sits on the couch as I run to the bathroom to be as quick as possible. I don't even condition my hair, just wash everything and step out. When I do, I notice the bed is left untouched. He didn't sleep at all last night did he? I curse myself for not texting him back earlier as I get my clean clothes and grab a few more to bring with me. I am not ready to talk to him, not yet. 

I stuff them in a suitcase as I blow dry my hair. I grab shoes for the wedding and some make up. I also grab my vitamins and some toiletries. I walk out in under 20 mins. 

"I'm impressed." Jace says looking at me when I walk to the kitchen counter. A cup of coffee is left half empty. He ran out for something. Next to it is my ring. I grab it and twirl it in my hand. 

"To a happy life together." I read the engraved words inside. Did he mean them?

I quickly put it back. I don't dare to look at it anymore. 

"You ready?" Jace asks, putting me out of my trans. 

"Yes." I say as I grab my bag and walk out. 

Harry's POV

I return home, at six in the evening. Police moved me three times and told me if I don't get the fuck away, they are going to arrest me. It was a hopeless attempt anyway. I drive home and get upstairs. The second I step in I know she has been in here. It smells like her shampoo. I quickly run to the bathroom. A set of towels have been used, her hair is in the comb she used. 

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