Chapter 59

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An afternoon update in forever! I always update during the night but I managed to squeeze in one today. Happy reading!

I jump up to my feet but my wobbly ones are a lot slower than Oliver's muscular ones. He jumps up in front of me and shields me against the camera.

"Who is this mystery man? Did Harry dump you after the video leak? What do you think about the leak Alex?!" The frantic paparazzi screams. I am terrified. This man I have never seen before is in Oliver's backyard, shouting at me and recording me.

"Fuck off man!" Oliver says as he grabs the camera but the pap brushes it off, continuing to film me.

"Is it true Harry cheated on you and the girl leaked the video to get back on him for coming back to you?" He shouts as I stand still frozen. I have no idea what I need to do.

I have never experienced anything like this and honestly, its terrifying. The only thing I can think of that resembles this feeling is when your mother tells you to the dishes after a long day at work and when she comes home and finds out you did not do the dishes and starts yelling at you for it. Its just like that, only a lot more invasive.

"Go in the house." Oliver says to me and light bulbs go off in my head. Why am I not going into the house? I know why.

I am waiting for my prince charming to get out the house and come rescue me. He isn't coming.

My feet rush inside and the moment I am about to close the glass porch doors behind me to silence the shouting man mixed with Oliver's curses, another voice joins the show.

"Hey this is not okay mate!" I hear Harry get in front of the camera. I turn and look.

"Harry! Oh Harry what do you feel about the leak?" The paparazzi goes even more insane with the arrival of Harry. I can see that Oliver has had enough.

"I will get you arrested." He says as he grabs the camera, pulls it out the paparazzi's grip. The pap moves to catch it when Harry steps in between, buying Oliver time to remove the memory card.

Oliver gets it out, smashes it in half in between his fingers and looks for another one. There isn't a second one so he hands the camera back to the shouting guy.

"That was thousands of dollars worth of footage man!" The paparazzi screams but Oliver puts up his fists to show what will happen if he doesn't shut the fuck up.

"You can't come here like this. Its private property. I will get you fucking arrested! Stay away from us!" Harry yells as the paparazzi flips them off and walks out.

The moment he leaves, Harry's eyes start searching the lawn. I am by the door and he finally finds me, his green eyes sending shocks through my spine when he does.

No matter how much we fight, I love him more than anything and he knows that.

"Are you okay? Did he do anything?" He asks as he runs to me, jumping up the four porch sets in one leap.

"I'm fine." I say as I push the hair thats falling to my face away, tucking it behind my ear.

"I can't believe it! I'm actually going to have him arrested! What is this?!" Harry says as he protectively gets ahold of my arm and pulls me inside.

I stumble from the force he holds me with as he gets me inside and closes the door just after Oliver gets inside.

"You are hurting me Harry." I say as his grip on my arm tightens. He starts to yell and curse the guy out with Oliver and my voice gets lost in the jumble.

I wait for his madness to pass but his fire doesn't simmer, the anger on his tongue is on my skin as well.

"We are going back to the house." He roars as he starts to pull me again. I first start to try and keep up with him when I realize what I am doing.

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