Diamonds or rubies

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Dymond p.o.v
I don't think I am the type to be jealous or insecure girlfriend or am I.

Me: ma can I ask you something

Mama: yeah

I sat down on her bed

Me: is it weird for a guy to be still cool with his ex

Mama: yes and no

Me: wait huh

Mama: yes because they still are reconnecting and no because they don't have feelings for eachother

Me: okay thank you

Mama: you're welcome day at the store

Jacob: you not mad about what happened at school last week

Me: no why

Jacob: I mean Tina told m-

Me: I ain't mad or jealous okay

Jacob: okay good

I went back texting normani

Me: can you pick the chips already

Jacob: I got the Cheetos...who are you texting

Me: it's a friend

Jacob: what friend

Me: it's mani a duh
End p.o.v

Normani p.o.v
Chillin with Dymond and Jacob

Me: soo why you so quiet Jacob

He didn't respond back

Dymond: yeah why you not playing the game

He still ain't say shit yet

Jacob: huh..oh I was thinking (putting phone down)

Me: soo you were thinking on ya phone (confused)

Jacob: anyway whose turn is it

Dymond: yours dummy

He rolled the dice and moved his character piece three steps back.

Me: haha this means I'm finna win

Dymond and Jacob started to laugh

Me: what's funny

Dymond: actually I won

Me: oh

Jacob: yeah she won the whole game mani

Me: oh
End p.o.v

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