I Think That Cheerleader Likes Me

Start from the beginning

Bonzo felt his heart thud and that... was not normal. Even if zombies did still have something of a heartbeat, it was meant to be slow and quiet. It definitely did not thud. But he felt it pound. And heard it. And the strange thing was, that didn't worry him one bit. She looked away all too soon and yet that just made it faster.

Please, just look at me again.

Then Addison was up out of her seat and walking over to their table and Bonzo was distracted with the potential new friend.

And Addison is friends with her...

He stopped himself right there. He'd want to be friends with Addison regardless. If it gave him a chance of talking to this other girl, well, that was just a bonus. And Addison really was a nice person. She had taken the time to look up some Zombie-tongue in order to properly welcome them, even if she had completely butchered it. It was way better than anything any of the other humans had done, which was... nothing, really.

He hoped beyond hope she would be the same.

With a reassuring smile, he presented Addison with a small thank-you gift; a rose made from the apple peels. His smile grew as she accepted it but suddenly she was being dragged away by three other cheerleaders and his apple rose was dropped onto the table. He looked down at it, dejected, and sighed. So much for that. Bonzo turned back to the cheerleaders' table only to find the other girl had vanished. He frowned and took a sweeping glance across the cafeteria.


He only just caught sight of her hurrying out of a door on the other side. Where was she going? Was it something to do with the cheerleaders who took Addison away? Was she upset? Once more, his heartrate jumped just the slightest bit. How was he already worried for this girl? He hadn't even spoken to her yet.

Yet. Because he was adamant he would. Someday.

He turned back again.

"Geh, Zedka...?"

Then stopped. Zed was still watching Addison. He was thinking, considering something. When she finally turned and went to leave the cafeteria (through the same door as her friend, Bonzo noticed), Zed stood up, taking the apple rose with him as he followed her out. Bonzo opened his mouth to speak again but nothing came. All he did was turn to watch him go.

Could you give me some of that confidence, too?

If nothing else, he just wanted to know her name...


She was there again, on the ground in front of the bleachers, this time with the rest of the cheer squad, at an actual football game. Zed's first game.

It wasn't going well.

Bonzo shuddered as Zed was tackled into the ground again. Looking down at Zander in his hands, he covered his eyes. Just because he was a stuffed animal didn't mean he had to witness that. Beside him, Zoey, ever the little optimist, had her own thoughts on the action.

"At least the cheerleaders are amazing!"

As she broke into a cheer, Bonzo waved Zander's paws. She was right, they were. One in particular.

Two. Remember Addison.

"We don't clap for cheerleaders," Eliza said, shutting them both down. Bonzo pulled Zander closer.

Technically, he hadn't been clapping, but he didn't say anything.

And anyway, he thought, his eyes wandering back down to the ground, he could have sworn he saw her glance up at him then.

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