Chapter 9: Goodbye (Ending)

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 The next few days were surprisingly hectic. Jhin was left with multiple bruises, all of them seeming to make a permanent mark on his body. Luckily his identity still stood, which was better for both his and Piltover's case. If word got out that Jhin, the Golden Demon of Ionia, was staying in Piltover, everything would fall into chaos. Caitlyn, however, had a very convincing conversation on why he should leave. To be fair, he had done nothing wrong by law, unlike when he was in Demacia. Viktor was to be put on trial, but Orianna dropped charges. When Jhin confronted her about it, she didn't explain. Perhaps this action was an awakening in her quest to become more human, but Jhin would never know, or care. His thoughts, as he left his apartment, fell more on disappointment.

"Dreams come to Piltover, to either come true or be destroyed," he thought to himself. His were just unlucky enough to be crushed, like all the other novice inventors in the present. However, he did learn more about friendship and how much it actually means to him. Nevertheless, Jhin was just itching to leave the stinking city, to travel elsewhere or maybe even home. Looking at his tired eyes and greasy hair in the mirror, Jhin straightened his jacket. He did want to look presentable for his (hopefully) last ruse with the Piltover police force.


"You didn't find anything?"

She looked worried, if not concerned by the way she lowered her voice. Vi was in the next office over, although she seemed busy with a brightly colored donut.

"Find anything?" Jhin repeated, rocking gently back and forth in his chair. Light shown through the window, casting an eerie aura in the police station.

"For...your 'killings'?" Ever since Caitlyn found out that 'Saizo Scuderi' was actually Khada Jhin, she had been on edge in his presence. The mention of his failed mission brought an irritated frown onto his face.

"Sadly no," he sighed, tapping his finger on the wooden chair arm. Now he really wanted to leave. She relaxed a bit, taking a sip out of her coffee cup. A look of seriousness came on her face. She leaned back in her chair.

"What was Viktor offering you? For Orianna," she clarified.

"Things for my 'killings'," he said in a mocking tone, smiling sickly at her. She sighed as well, although still obviously on edge."I did not take them if that's what your asking about."

"And you're sure you don't know where Jinx is?"

Jhin paused for a moment, but then replied in a whisper,"Positive."

Silence began to creep into the golden lit room as Caitlyn tried to avoid his striking gaze. Jhin found it amusing that Caitlyn wasn't comfortable with him, after how nice she was to him. Or as nice as Caitlyn was willing to be for a semi-stranger.

"It was a nice show," she said finally, looking at the floor. The question caught Jhin off guard, as the events of the ballet were still corrupted by Jinx.

"Thank you. She's really come far."

"I'll say." She looked right into his eyes."You've really helped her, you know?" Jhin said nothing. Caitlyn cleared her throat.

"Orianna's performance really opened the eyes to the community. Despite the fact I disagree with your line of work," she said her words carefully,"I respect your choice for helping Orianna."

"Just what I needed," He smiled, making a complete joke of the rare, heartfelt compliment from Caitlyn. She bit her lip angrily, as if containing a sudden wave of annoyance.

"Anyways, I would highly suggest you get out of this city before you, or I, do anything we might regret. If you kill anybody Jhin-" she said, raising her voice,"then I will personally hunt you down myself."

"Good to know," he mumbled, knowing that Caitlyn's paranoia was unnecessary. With his identity of no use, especially to the police department, Jhin wasn't going to try anything stupid. From there on Jhin waved a quick goodbye and hurriedly walked out of the station.


Bag in lap, Jhin Was sitting on the station bench. Huge steam cloud billowed through the station, filling the crowded platform with a toasty smell. He had been sitting for about half and hour and was ready for another few hours on the way to the east coast. Jhin had decided that he wanted to go back home, back to the tranquil setting that inspired so many of his performances.

"Ah, my performances." The thought hadn't completely left him, but remembering past shocks of euphoria made him smile. Still, he was impatient and just wanted to leave the troubled city behind.

"Jhin." The voice a low, crackly, with a hint of sweetness. Without turning his head he could tell that it was Orianna, standing just left to him. She sat down next to him, still he didn't look at her. He a too tired and honestly didn't want to deal with the more emotional part of his departure. They sat in silence, just staring out onto the empty train tracks.

"Why are you here?" Jhin asked, sighing as he did. He a honestly curious.

"To say goodbye." Her voice a monotone, as if she was just a robot.

"You don't need to do that Orianna," he said. Now it was her turn to sigh, angrily.

"Yes I do. You've been a friend to me, and by human custom I am to say goodbye." Friend was a word that was soft to him, like a cloud that was passing through him on the wind. He wondered if he had been a friend, or if he had just been a business partner.

There was a loud screech from the tracks and soon a long, sleek, and metallic train came bursting from the dark tunnel. Immediately there was a crowd of people, swarming the train. Jhin stood up and turned to Orianna, casting a large, black shadow onto her.

"Well then Orianna." His voice was irritated and his eyes were large as a mad man's. His anger might have seen unexpected, but Jhin had thought hard and long about Orianna. Yes, he had helped her and probably changed her life, but he was still leaving Piltover with nothing. Maybe his selfishness was flooding back into him, but he was still furious with some of her actions.

"Goodbye. May you learn to keep your promises." The look of shock on her face was past her human like abilities. She was truly hurt, and Jhin wasn't sorry. As the train screeched again, Jhin turned around on his foot, walking briskly through the crowd and onto the train. He didn't look back until he was on the train, looking at the metal shell of a human who was sitting still on the bench. Instead of crying or walking up to leave, Orianna just stood there, completely motionless like a doll sitting on a shelf. Guilt began to creep up onto him, but Jhin pushed it away. This whole adventure had been one big emotional mess, and Jhin wanted to make out one emotion out of this mess. Disappointment.


In the dark, the complete dark, was a man who was broken. All his life he had been wanting and wanting, but always staying silent. The shadows around him seemed to bounced from him to the wall, going back and forth in a sickening motion. They were taunting him, telling him to keep going, to keep trying, to keep making a fool of him. This torment went on for days at moments when he was alone. Even at his greatest achievements they seemed to criticize him and urge him to do better.

It was never like that before. Before, the shadows helped him, told him secrets to success and reality. They helped him and became a part of him. Although, through the years he has become corrupted, under the influence of the raging shadows. Still, he lives on, performing his sacred duty when called upon. The shadows don't bother him much anymore, only when something is coming. And in the dark, the complete dark, Zed knew something was coming.

Check out the 3rd sequel, LoL Jhin Fanfiction (Bilgewater)


Check out the first book, League of Legends Jhin Fanfiction (Demacia) 

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