Two Parts Of One Soul

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Alec's PoV

Alec let out a sigh as he watched Clary's and Jace's interactions from afar.

They were currently on a mission, trying to find some clues about what had happened to all the dragon-like-demons that had been flying over New York just a couple of days ago.

After they had finally defeated Valentine, the demons - or whatever they were - had been thankfully gone, seemingly vanished into thin air, as if they never had been there in the first place.

It was kind of weird actually because nothing just simply fades into nothingness.

Especially not a whole demon army.

So Alec, as the Head of the New Yorker Institute, had decided to lead his group of friends on an investigation mission.

So far, they hadn't found sh*t.

And Clary and Jace weren't any real help either.

Instead of focusing on the task at hand, they were too busy with each other.

To be fair, Jace actually had tried to help Izzy and him to search for any clues but Clary kept jeopardizing his attempts to help by constantly distracting him with little touches and whispers here and there, demanding his whole attention.

And Alec understood that they probably wanted to make up for lost time as a couple, thanks to Valentine making them believe that they were siblings before their relationship could have even fully started, ending it as soon as it had begun, really.

Now, that they had found out that had been a lie, that they weren't siblings, Clary and Jace were back together and Alec ... honestly didn't know how to feel about it.

Overall, he felt nothing, which was irritating because shouldn't he feel something?

Well, he did feel something because of course he was happy for Jace ... but ... there was still an underlying feeling of uneasiness and distress, he didn't quite understand.

He was in a relationship with Magnus, had moved on with his feelings for Jace, what had been easier than he had expected it to be in the first place ... now that he really thought about it ... almost too easy.

He already had been in love with Jace for years, before Clary had stumbled into their lives, changing them upside down.

In a good way for Jace and Izzy he supposed, but not in such a good way for him obviously as he had - after years - to accept the fact Jace would never feel anything more towards him than just plain friendship.

Having to watch at the same time, how a complete stranger, also known as Clary, managed to tie Jace towards her in ways, Alec himself was only allowed to dream of, making Jace successfully hers and to top it off, the worst thing about it was that it had only taken her a few days.

She had managed all this in a couple of days.


And why the hell was he still so affected by it if he was 'supposedly' over it?

Unless ... no, that surely couldn't be it.

Or ... could it?

Squeezing his eyes shut, Alec shortly rubbed at his temples, before shaking his head.

Two Parts Of One Soul ~ A Jalec One Shot Where stories live. Discover now