All Roads Leads To You (One Shot)

Start from the beginning

I was trying to work in my office but my thoughts kept going towards Madhu and Sultan, the two people I trusted more than myself were cheating on me. why did Madhu feel the need to stray? Wasn't I enough for her? she would say that I was everything to her then what happened now? Hearing the door open I look up furiously to see who had dared to barge into my office without my permission. 

"Looks like you are in a bad mood." Akash jovially says seeing my furious look. 

"What do you want?" 

"What plans for birthday?" he asks me as he plopped down on the couch. 

"Nothing." I tell him as I turned around to my laptop. 

"Then let's watch today's match at Sultan's place." Akash excitedly tells me. 

I curiously look up at the clock and see the time to be 6:30, Madhu would be with him now. Finally, something snapped in me and I decided to end everything once and for all. I quickly stand up and says, "Let's go." 

"Now?" Akash asks in a panic. 

"Yeah." I reply wondering why he was panicking suddenly. 

"The match is not now it is later. We need to get there by 7:30 only." Akash tells me. 

I couldn't help wonder whether Akash knew that Madhu was with Sultan now and that is why he is telling me to wait. The possibility was making me beyond furious and I tell him as I drag him out of the chair. "We are going now." 

"He won't be home from office now." 

"I know where he keeps the spare key." I tell him and drag him out. 

"Wait... I want to smoke." Akash tells me as we started walk into the apartment as he pulled out a cigarette. 

I check the time and realize that it was 7:15 already. Akash had taken the longest route and was driving at snails speed to get here. 

"You smoke. I am going up." I tell him wanting to catch Madhu red handed as I was starting to realize that she would be leaving anytime soon. 

Without waiting for reply I walk in and I hear him cursing as he followed me to the lift. 

I ring the bell and wait for Sultan to open the door. As I stood outside I hear hushed whispers and footsteps. Looks like Madhu was still inside and now she was trying to hide from me. I was about to take the spare key when Sultan opens the door for me. 

"HEY!" Sultan says in a very fake smile and says "Didn't expect you." as he gave furious looks at Akash. 

"Why do you look so upset to see me?" I ask him as I walked in pushing him away. 

"I am not upset." Sultan quickly says as he followed me in. 

"Where is she?" I ask him as I looked into the bedroom. 

"Who?" he asks me confused. 

"Come out, Madhu. I know you are here." I shout out loudly as I looked for her. 

"How did you know?" Sultan asks me in shock just as a very sheepish Madhu walked out of the kitchen. 

I see that Madhu was about to say something and I just didn't want to hear any more of her lies and ask Sultan, "How I found out that you two are sleeping behind my back?" 

"What?" Madhu shouts in outrage at me while Sultan looked at me shocked. 

"Oh! Don't act as if it is not true, I have been on to you both for months now." 

"What are you saying?" Madhu asks me furiously as she stepped towards me in fake outrage. 

"You think you could lie to me and I would never find out. You lie to me that you are working late and I see you with him at restaurants." 

Rishabala : All Roads Leads To You (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now