"She's gone Mr. Watson. I have seen to that."

"You sow!" He swung around at the sound of Alexandria's voice, nearly falling over.

Alexandria had fixed up many women and children in her years as a surgeon due to abuse. This was nothing new to her. She kept walking. Unsteadily, Watson tried to grab her and managed to grasp Alex's shoulder.

He pulled her back and fired a shot of his fist against her cheek. His ring cut her face, slicing the skin neatly. The blood was already flowing freely, dripping down on to her white blouse. Besides the cut, the painful strike would leave a bruise. Unconcerned with either, she simply smashed the heel of her hand upwards against his nose. Feeling the snap and watching the drunken man crumple to the floor, she kept walking to the waiting cab. There was a chance that she had killed him, although it was unlikely. She didn't care.

Alexandria looked perfectly calm as she climbed back in with her mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Truthfully, she was anything but. While she would never call herself and Fanny friends, she also didn't want anything to happen to her sister-in-law. Taking a bandage out of the bag, she got the bleeding to stop on her cheek. Yet, it wasn't before the blood had stained her blouse and skirt.

"Mother Thornton? I will get Fanny into the clinic where I can care for her. Would you please get John?"

Hannah, frowning, nodded.

When they were almost to the mill, Alex took off her wrap and placed it around Fanny. She pulled the hood up to hide her from prying eyes. It took a bit of time, but finally she got Fanny and the bag out and helped Mrs. Thornton as well. Giving a pat to the horses, Alex paid for the driver's services.

Taking Fanny to one of the private rooms, she set the bag of valuables down. The other bag, Hannah Thornton had.

"Annabelle? Bring me a lady's gown and dressing gown please?"

The girl brought both immediately while Alex herself was heating water. Two large bowls of hot water and dozens of cloths, Alexandria sat down with Fanny and began to clean her up to survey the damage. Her sister-in-law was in shock. The stench was horrible. Between infected sores and unwashed skin, Fanny Thornton was nothing like the woman Alexandria had originally met.

It was worse than she ever thought. Apparently Watson had been beating the younger woman for months. At first it was done so it wouldn't show. Sometime later he forgot caring about hiding the bruises and hit her as he felt. If she had access to an x-ray Alexandria would be horrified at what she would have found.

Turning at the knock on the door, she asked softly. "Who is it?"

"It's me."

John. He didn't need to see this. "I'll be right out."

Alex slid out and sent Annabelle in. Neither mother nor brother needed to see the full extent of what Fanny had endured.

"Annabelle we will be in my office if you need us."

Hearing the yes Doctor, she motioned Hannah and John in. Leaning back against the desk, Alexandria sighed with resignation.

"It's bad. It's very bad."

"What do you mean Alexandria?" John asked softly.

"There isn't hardly a spot on her that isn't bruised."

Standing up abruptly, Thornton scowled. "I'll bloody well kill him!"

Hannah set her jaw tight. To virtually anyone else, Hannah Thornton looked like steel, John and Alex knew she was trying not to let a single tear escape. Sitting next to her mother-in-law, Alex wrapped her arms around her. "John, please calm down."

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