Step 3: Naming Your Clan

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Great! We have a territory and some traits, time to name your Clan. There are lots of different ways your Clan can be named, here are some options:

1. Territory: Your Clan's name can reflect where they live. Example, if your Clan's territory is known for lots of ferns, you could call it FernClan.

2. Founder: You can also name your Clan's name after it's founder. Example, if the founder is named Thorn, you can name your Clan  ThornClan. Note that the founder and territory method were both used for the canon Clans which was... extremely convenient if you ask me.

3. Skill: If cats of your Clan have a distinct set of skills from the other Clans, their Clan name could reflect on that. An example of this would be if your Clan's skill is their speed, your Clan could be called SwiftClan.

4. Personality: Are the cats in your Clan cheerful and upbeat? You can name them for their personality. Some names that would work with this personality are: BrightClan, SunClan, LightClan, etc. 

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