Chapter One

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"Kelly wait!" Brayden shouted, grabbing the cute girl with dirty blonde hair and freckles and spinning her around.

"What Brayden?" Kelly sighed.

"It's you, Kelly, it's always been you!" Brayden proclaimed, "I never loved Serena. Not really. You're the only one I want to be with. You're the only one for me. I'm in love with you, Kelly"

With that, Kelly collapsed into Braydens arms, and he kissed her.

The only problem?

I'm Serena.

Within a minute, I stormed up to them, grabbed Brayden and pushed him against the brick wall of the school building.

"Serena I-" Brayden started, regret covering his face for the first time, "I didn't realize you were here"

His sentence made me even angrier. This spectacle had taken place in the courtyard of our school, right before classes started. Everyone was walking around, half our school had stopped to listen to it.

"You told me a billion times that you two were just friends" I whispered, hyper aware of the fact that half our school was lingering around, "I trusted you"

"Serena" He said gently.

I slapped him hard on the face.

"I spent a year of my life on you, you absolute dick" I spat.

"Don't touch him" Kelly intervened.

"Shut the fuck up, Kelly" I snapped, "I know you're super thrilled to finally have my boyfriend, but you could at least acknowledge how fucked up this is"

Her eyes dropped to the ground, and I spun on my heel to walk away before I started crying. I heard the whispers already starting behind me.

Why would Brayden pick her?

Serena's ten times hotter than Kelly.

Is Brayden crazy?

Do you think Serena will bang me now that she's on the market?

The whispers didn't comfort me at all. I thought me and Brayden were perfect. I thought I loved him. We were dating for almost an entire year. Everyone thought we'd be together forever. The whole school knew Serena Briggs and Brayden Erikson were the couple.

He was one of our star soccer players, and with his light brown hair and bright blue eyes, he was one of the cutest too. I'm pretty popular, especially with the boys, with my long bright blonde hair, big green eyes, and slim body. I'm not an athlete, or a cheerleader, I'm kind of the school sweetheart. I get good grades, and I'm the class president.

My eyes burned with unfallen tears, as I fought my way through the crowd back towards the senior parking lot.

My mind flashed through what Brayden just did to me. He told me he loved me. I had even hung out with Kelly on numerous occasions because I knew how important she was to him. I had done everything for him.

I glanced around the empty lot, everyone would be headed to class by now, and I just felt it all. All the anger rushed up inside of me. I couldn't take it anymore, it just wasn't fair. Not after how well I treated them both.

"Argh" I screamed, kicking a fallen tree branch.

"You alright there, Princess?" A low voice called. I spun around slowly.

Grayson Mitchell.

"Fuck off" I snarled.

Grayson was another star soccer player, and he ran in the same circle as Brayden. While Brayden was a sort of golden boy of the school, Grayson was a bit of a bad boy. They were pretty equal in soccer, and Grayson was just as cute with his shaggy dark brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes, but he was always kind of a loner. He hung out with the soccer team when he wanted, but he was often found alone, snapping at anyone who disturbed him.

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