Ash stares at his stepfather, surprised and unsure of where Jeriack is going with his speech.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m sorry I’m nothing like the father you needed and perhaps it was unfair of me to put so much pressure on you as I did with the marriage agreement. I just thought it was the best thing to do for our country and that maybe you needed some changes in your life. To be honest, you seemed to be floundering. Maybe it has to do with losing your father, maybe you were struggling in your duties as heir to the throne, I couldn’t tell for sure for the life of me. I guess I just assumed that maybe forcing you to take that certain step in your life was the best thing for you and the kingdom. Clearly, I was as wrong with that as I was with shipping off our citizens to Hemarcrish-Dorcros just to manage finances from after the war.”

Ash still doesn’t say anything, but slowly process Jeriack’s words. A small smile subtly enters his face, as a part of him feels glad to hear this confession.

“I guess in the end, General Durbin was right when he told me that the way I thought I should handle the kingdom and my stepson was the completely wrong way,” Jeriack admits. “After what has transpired over the last couple of weeks, it’s clear that the heir to my throne has a clearer and greater idea on how to rule and improve on Kalos then I ever had. And...well… I just wanted to say well done with finding a way to start making peace with the Demoth people and this university thing is a brilliant idea. I may not have known Red da Ketchum a moment in my life, but I feel confident that he would have been very proud of you.”

Ash smiles, touched as he gives Jeriack an appreciative look.

“Thank you, stepfather,” he says.

Jeriack nods with his own smile and says, “Nothing has to be decided tonight, son. King Norman will understand if we request to hold off -”

“I have made my decision about that,” Ash says bluntly with his smile turning back into a sour frown.

Jeriack looks at Ash confused.

“Are you sure?” he asks. “You have only just found about Comtesse de Ridley.”

“I’m sure,” Ash says plainly.

Jeriack hesitates to say something against his stepson’s words but holds his tongue. He merely places his hand on Ash’s shoulder again in the best fatherly way he can as the two of them watch the festivities below.


Meanwhile, outside of the castle gates, A certain blonde-haired girl hides behind a train of carriages, scanning the area. Bonnie sees the entrance to the castle grounds where a pair of guards are checking for invitations as people enter.

“Hmmm, there must be a way in,” she says to herself as she scratches her chin in thought. “There’s got to be some way without needing an invitation.”

“Bonnie, what are you doing there?”

Bonnie yelps, startled and turns around to see her brother, Clemont looking at her nervously.

“Clemont, don’t ruin my cover!” Bonnie rebukes. “Some of us are trying to sneak in and find this Durbin guy you know!”

“But that’s my job, not yours,” Clemont protests childishly. “Entalmorfious came to me to find General Durbin and tell him that the Baroness trapped Serena.”

“And you got all nervous and kept making excuses not to go!” Bonnie ridicules. “Meanwhile, while we’re arguing, the prince is expecting to see Serena here and we need to stop Miette from stealing his heart instead.”

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