The Aftermath

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holy shit it's been a minute. i couldn't access wattpad for the longest time so sorry about that. i really liked this story and i kind of abandoned it so let's see if i can remember how the plot was going.

The music had stopped playing hours ago, but Dean was still sitting on the floor, holding Cas.

Sam didn't know what to do. He had suggested moving Cas and Dean gave him a bloodshot death glare.

He wasn't even crying anymore, which Sam was eternally grateful for. He didn't think he'd ever get over Dean's reaction when Cas first left.

They weren't even sobs, they were death rattles.

Dean kept muttering, "He's my baby," until it got quieter and quieter before eventually dying off.

Sam's chest hurt.

Suddenly Cas shot forward with a loud gasp.


Cas looked up at him, "Sam," he acknowledged with a nod. He was back to full on angel mode again.

Cas turned his head to Dean, who still had a hand on his arm. "Are you alright?"

"You said I wouldn't remember," Dean's voice cracked when he spoke.

"How long has it been since..."

"Two hours." Dean's cheeks were clammy and his voice was hoarse, but the lost look in his eyes were what really scared Sam.

Cas seemed to be staring off into space for a minute then he spoke suddenly, "He's in heaven now."

"H - he's in heaven?"

Cas nodded slowly, his eyes were misty.

"But I thought he was, well, you."

"It seems during those twenty-four hours my grace formed a bond with your soul," he said, turning to Dean, "the bond, along with the memories from you, created a soul."

"So I'll see him when I die?"

"Once you are allowed into heaven, all of the memories of your past lives are returned to you. You share a heaven with your significant other."

Sam cocked his head to the side, "But what if you have more than one from all the past lives?"

Cas gave him an almost smile, "In all your lives, you only really have one love. That's who you'll share your heaven with, no matter how long it takes for you two to find each other."

"So why didn't I, uh, go to heaven the first time I died since... you know," Dean stuttered.

Cas tilted his head to the side as he thought for a minute, "I suppose because you feel in love with an angel, we don't have souls, so I assume it did not count in heaven's master plan."

"But now that he's a soul... or has a soul, I don't even know, does that mean we'll be in each other's heaven."

Cas nodded, "It's very likely."

Dean sighed, "Is there anyway you can send me up there now?"

Sam's eyes widened, "What? Dean, no!"

Dean smiled sadly, "C'mon Sammy, let's be real. You're not my brother," he turned to Castiel, "and you're not my Cas."

He stared at a spot on the floor for a while. "I'm not the Dean you knew. I still have nightmares about the war and I have no idea how to fight monsters.

And I need him," he said quietly.

"Now that I know he's there without me, I can't stay," he looked at Cas pleadingly.

Cas stared at the floor for a minute, seemingly thinking.

"I am still under orders from Heaven. I cannot disobey."

"Fuck your orders!" Dean was on his feet almost instantly. "Heaven is the reason I'm in this fucking mess!"

"Dean  -"

"Save it."


Dean had stomped up the stairs a couple hours ago.

Sam hadn't heard anything from him since the music stopped thirty minutes ago.

Cas had also disappeared, saying he had to "check in on heaven."

~~~~ (it's been from sams pov so far, it's switching to deans now)

Fuck heaven and their fucking rules. Dean served his country, it seemed like this Dean did too. And all heaven could ever do was fuck them over.

Dean's mind was a little foggy, that pleasant buzz that came with alcohol did nothing to soothe him.

There was a flapping noise from the corner of the room. Dean turned to come face to face with the angel.

"Jesus, fuck! Don't do that!"

The angel tilted his head and sighed.

"My apologies."

He stared at Dean for a moment, Dean was about to tell him that his dead boyfriends staring a hole in his head really wasn't what he needed right now.

"Dean, I've been in heaven, searching for a... solution, of sorts."

Dean was interested.


"I think there's a solution."

God damn would Cas just get to the point, angels were slow apparently.

Dean made a motion with his hands to tell him to go on.

"I could preform a procedure of sorts. It would take you, as you are now, and create a separate soul for the Dean that lived in 1965. His soul would separate from yours and go to heaven."

Holy shit. He might see Cas again.

"That sounds great," he looked up at the angel again, "but why do you look like someone just shot your puppy?"

The angel sighed. He looked... sad?

"If I do this, there is a great chance that you will forget everything from this life, forever."

"I mean, that's the way I am now."

"But you still have your memories from your previous life. You'd lose those when your soul travels to heaven. You'd be a blank slate."

"So what would happen when I die in this life?"

Cas smiled sadly, Dean's chest ached at how familiar it was.

"Your would would reconnect with the one in heaven as they always do. You'd be whole and your memories restored. There is still no guarantee you'll remember this life even when you go to heaven."

Dean pauses. It wouldn't be fair to Sammy.

But this wasn't his Sammy.

He meets the angel's eyes. The blue reminding him of the ocean.

"I love you."

"I love you."

"I love -"

"Let's do it."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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