"She's just scared. She has every right to be." Luke said.

"I know she does." Han nodded.

"I think she just needs a little time to cool off before you two talk again." Han nodded in agreement.

      Later that night, Han opened the bedroom door. The lights were off and the room was pitch black. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to Leia. Han ran his hand over her cheek and whispered her name. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Leia, I'm sorry for what I said. I shouldn't have brought that up again. I just care about you."

"I know you do." She said softly.

"I'm sorry, Leia."

"I'm sorry, too Han."

"I brought you some tea. I thought you might like some." She nodded, sitting up.

"Thank you." She took the cup in her hands and took a sip.

"And Chewie says he's sorry he told me."

"It's okay. I know he knew you were worried about me." Han nodded. They sat in silence for a few moments.



"I've been thinking about a name."

"What's that, sweetheart."

"How about Ben?"

"How'd you think up that one?"

"The reason we're together is because of that old guy. If it weren't for him, I might have been killed on the Death Star, we wouldn't be married, and we wouldn't be having a baby."

"It's perfect." He smiled, kissing her temple.

      The next day, Leia and Cora had a girl's day. They went into town and shopped around. Leia enjoyed it. She saw it as a bonding opportunity to learn more about her possible sister-in-law and Cora felt the same way. As they walked around, they talked about their childhoods, their likes and dislikes, and other things.

"Everything alright with you and Han?"

"Oh! Yes. He and I are fine." Leia smiled.

"We heard the yelling and were worried."

"That's what the argument was about. He was worried about me. He brought up something we agreed we wouldn't talk about again and I got angry at him for it. But we talked it out and we're fine. It happens. Just ask Luke. He's probably got lots of stories about fights that Han and I had, and they all probably involve lots of yelling." She laughed. Cora nodded and laughed.

      They were heading home after their long day. The weather was hot and sunny with that slight breeze Leia loved. Leia was happy that she and Cora had a lot in common. She enjoyed Cora's company and she knew that someday, she would be a great sister-in-law.

"Han excited to be a father?"

"He is. It's funny. The hormones are beginning to show and it's funny to watch him react to them. Especially during one of my mood swings." Leia laughed. Cora nodded and laughed.

      They walked into the house and set the groceries down and began making dinner. It was their last night together on the planet and Leia and Cora wanted to make a meal to celebrate. Han walked in and wrapped his arms around Leia and kissed her cheek.

"Hi." He smiled.

"Hi. How was your 'guy's day'?" she asked.

"It was good. How was your 'girl's day'?"

"It was great. Went shopping, got to know each other better." She said, smiling over to Cora who smiled back.

"Dinner smells good." He said.

"Good! I hope you guys are hungry."

"Oh, we are. We brought our appetites back with us." Han laughed.

"Good." Leia nodded.

      After dinner, they all sat by the fire for a while. Luke, Cora, and Chewie all went to bed, but Han and Leia still sat in front of the fire. Leia sat in Han's lap, leaning back in his arms.



"Where are we going to live?"

"I'm trying to decide between Corellia, Naboo, and Yavin IV. I'm leaning toward Corellia or Naboo. What do you think?"

"I like Corellia, but I like the idea of being near my family on Naboo. I also like the idea of being near Luke, with you know...with the fact that our son is Force sensitive."

"We can figure that out sweetheart. And we can always travel to see your family, including Luke."

"I know," she sighed "I wish Alderaan was still around, then it would be a no brainer."

"I know."

"And we can't wait much longer. We only have four months left. I know that seems like a long time, but it's not."

"I know, Leia." He sighed. "How about this. We'll figure this out when we get to Bespin. Okay?"

"Okay." she nodded. "I'm sorry. I just want him to have a home."

"Don't be sorry. I want him to have a real home too. We'll figure it out." He said, kissing her. She nodded.

"I love you, Han."

"I love you too." He said, hugging her tighterand kissing her.     

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