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Chill babes here's your update💖 Beca_Chloe8-27Mashup Bechloesendrck IShipBeChloe 💓I wasn't gonna update this soon actually but you're such babes to ignore:( although the action will take quite longer bit of angst maybe?

Chloe was sitting beside Beca's bed. With her head laying on her arms as she slept slightly. She's growing tired lately. Still waiting for her small brunette to just wake up.

She went home yesterday and it was so bad to even encounter another problem. She sighed thinking about it and once again tries to shut her eyes. For a few seconds after that she felt a soft hand caressing her head and her eyes went wide. Slowly to seeing a smiling Beca.

"Hey sunshine", her voice was rasped and Chloe couldn't help but hug the girl still making sure she's not hurting her in any way. "How long was I asleep?", she asks in complete curiosity.

Chloe hesitated for a moment to even say it but chose to tell the truth. "You were unconscious for three days", she mumbles making Beca's eyes widen and she sat up.

Chloe panics for a bit but seeing that Beca was doing fine she refuses to lay her back down. "What?", she said in shock and looks at the time. "I-i can't be here anymore. I need to go", she said making the redhead confused why she was acting like that.

"Beca you still need to rest.", she stands up as Beca was trying to pull out her IV. "Your feet is still not-", she was cut off when Beca just swiftly stands up from her bed. The doctor was right. Beca was completely fine.

"Do you know where Jesse is?", she asks and Chloe was still processing what was currently happening. "Chlo?", she asks and the redhead snapped out of it.

"He's in the waiting room", she stated and Beca was already trying to walk out the door. But she grabbed her wrist to prevent her from going. "I'll call him for you just please stay here", she said but Beca was shaking her head.

"No I need to get out of here. I still have something important to-", she was cut off when Chloe showed how worried she was with the tone of her voice.

"Please, I don't want you getting hurt again", she said remembering how Beca was three days ago. It still terrifies her how the doctor explained what the young brunette was experiencing. Beca softly sighed and nodded letting Chloe sit her down on the bed.

The girl watched as Chloe slips out of the room to call her brother. Beca looked out the window thinking what could've happened these past days she was asleep.

"The city is experiencing a major problem today. Being attacked by a man who calls himself Green Goblin."

The reporter was in-front of a building which was being wrecked by the said Goblin and Jesse was watching in pure shock at the television as the guy was currently in rage.

"Where is it?!" He keeps on shouting as he thrashes around things inside the building. What is he looking for? Jesse thought and he was beyond worried maybe it's the last piece that he needs for his machine. Beca hasn't woken up yet and it was bothering him that much, too.

Where is SpiderGirl? We need her help! A citizen ran towards the camera and shouts those words. Jesse looked down and sighed. She's still not conscious and it's been three days since she experienced that horrible attack.

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