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amirah decided to stay with me during my suspension. claiming she wanted to spend some time with me.

it might sound like she's being clingy which was the "reason" i broke up with morgan.

the difference is, i actually want amirahs presence. technically, i've wanted this for years now. i think i deserve it.

so instead of going over to amirah's and josh's place like i usually do, amirah came over to my place.

as of right now, she was catching up with my dad since he hasn't seen her in what seemed like years.

i wasn't really paying attention to their conversation. i tuned in and out whenever one of them would laugh but quickly went back into my daydream.

my daydreams.

where i secretly think about amirah and our future together.

how i'll propose to her in a field of roses while her nose is stuffy and red from the pollen, making her look adorable.

her cute little sneezes joining the birds in their song.

i'll pull the ring from my back pocket and get down on one knee, not worrying about my clean blue trousers gaining a few grass stains.

and when she says yes, my heart will be filled with joy and the last thing i would be worrying about is a little stain.

i often wonder what our kids will look like.

will they have her long pin straight hair? or will they have my wild frizzy curls? maybe a mixture of both. most definitely a mixture of both.

i know i'm much too young to thing about these kinds of things but its what makes me happy.

and i'm finally starting to feel happy.

"well i should head out. don't wanna be late for work." my dad groaned standing up, stretching his relaxed bones.

"yeah of course, wouldn't wanna get in the way of your money." amirah said, brushing the crumbs off of her lap from the cookies she was snacking on.

"uh finn, if nic decides to come back anytime soon, which he probably won't, can you tell him to call me. i have to ask him something about my car." he opened the door and already had a foot out of the door.

"yeah." i responded but he already closed the door.

amirah giggled and moved from the single armchair, to the sofa i was currently sat on.

"when's the last time you spoke to nic?" she asked.

i shrugged. "i don't know. maybe last week. he hasn't been home in months. he's been with his girlfriend."

"oh. is he okay?"

"he seemed fine when i talked to him, if anything he was pretty ecstatic which is weird coming from him, but i guess he's okay. why?" i looked down at her head that rested against my shoulder.

"i was just wondering. i haven't seen him in a really long time."

i nodded, not really knowing how to respond.

nobody has seen him in a while. hell, for all i know, he could actually be in nebraska and literally no one would know.

its not unlikely for him to be so secretive. he usually keeps everything to himself so i wasn't really worried.

"well from what i know, he's fine. no need to worry." i kissed the top of her forehead and hugged her closer to me.

she nuzzled into me with a content smile on her face.

"you're so cute." i said watching her cheeks become warm. she nuzzled more into me, trying to hide her face.

"nu uh." i tapped the bottom of her chin, guiding her to reveal her face.

she made a sound of embarrassment but looked up anyways.

"hi gorgeous." i whispered.

she smiled a toothless smile. "hi."

i couldn't help myself and leaned down to press my lips into her soft plump ones. she almost immediately kissed back, deepening the kiss.

she straightened out her back and swung her leg over my lap, straddling me.

i rested my hands on her upper thighs, toying with the lining of her shorts.

she traveled down to my neck, pecking and biting, making bruises on my pale neck.

once she got to a certain spot on my neck, i couldn't control the moan that slipped out.

i felt my ears and cheek become hot in embarrassment but forgot all about felling insecure when i felt goosebumps form on her skin and the hairs on her arm stand up tall.

i placed my hand on her lower back, placing my thumbs in her dimples. they fit perfectly, almost like they were made for me.

she returned to kissing my lips, invading my mouth with her tongue.

she gave me one less peck and pulled away with a giant smile on her face.

"what did i do to deserve you?" i mumbled and threw my head back in astonishment.

she giggled and went back down to try and place more kisses but i held her cheek, stopping her.

she pouted, as always when she didn't get her way, and bit my thumb that was closest to her mouth.

i retracted my hand away and faked a mad expression.

"you're becoming to be a real brat. you know that right?"

"i'm sorry." she said in a quiet little voice that made my heart flutter.

"being cute isn't gonna get you through life babygirl." i said into her ear, closing my teeth around her earlobe.

she shrieked and jumped moved her head away from me.

"you just love biting people don't you? like a mini vampire." i moved her bottom lip around with my thumb as she looked at me, mesmerized.

"speak up darling."

"i'm going to cum in my pants."

i burst out laughing at her, and placed my forehead against hers.

"i'm so in love with you." i mumbled against her lips.

"i love you so much finn." she kissed me in between each word, making me smile.

"fuck." i groan.

"what?" she asked.

"i might cum in my pants too."

her {finn wolfhard}Where stories live. Discover now