Accidental Run In

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Peter's POV

It was hard enough sneaking out of the compound, but it was even harder sneaking out as Spider-Man. It kind of felt like I was abandoning the people of NYC, but there was no way I could travel three hours there and back every night without getting caught, so I decided to do the next best thing and travel thirty minutes to Albany. Maybe every once and awhile I'll go visit home just to comfort myself.

As of right now I'm dodging S.H.I.E.L.D agents left and right just trying to get to the garage. I mean I don't really know how to drive, but dad has like five different cars so I'm sure he won't mind. Once I reached the garage everything after that was a blur from getting into the car and starting it, to driving away down the road praying no one saw me.

Once I reached Albany I parked trying my best to act nonchalant, which probably just drew more attention to me, and double checked to make sure the car was locked. Shooting a web up on one of the roofs I pulled myself up, and strolled along the buildings looking out for any trouble, and trying my best to keep a certain blonde off my mind.

Steve's POV

"Did anyone else hear a car speed off" I asked glancing up from my cards. After my confrontation with the kids the guys thought it would be a good idea to teach Vision cards, we started easy with Uno, but now I'm not so sure since he's kicking our butts. "It was probably one of the kids" Tony stated not even looking up as he slapped down a plus four card to Sam making him mutter a few cuss words.

"Yeah we do share this place with three teenagers now, and one that could overpower all of us if we drove her to it" Rhodes laughed picking up a card, and triumphantly fist bumping the air probably getting what he wanted. "Don't forget three women also, who seem to always get moody at a certain time of the month" Tony stated eyeing Nat with a smirk.

"Are you're jokes always so sexualized" she snapped, and he lifted his hand to his chin as he if he was thinking about it. "Yeah I would say so" he laughed. I rested my hand on her shoulder to try and calm her down. She turned her head so she could fully focus on me, and attempt to ignore Tony. "Hey we're the ones that keep him around" I whispered to her making her crack a small smile. "As annoying as he is he's still a friend" she sighed.

"Cap your turn" Sam shouted a little to loudly. I put down a green card before looking towards the hallway. It's weird because I was never this worried about Kelsey before today, but now the fact that people know her including HYDRA makes me feel like I have to be by her side all the time.

"Steve she's fine I promise" Nat said pulling me back to reality. I stare at her blankly trying my best to believe what she's saying. "Maybe I should go..." I started before Nat groaned cutting me off. "We went over this she needs a little space, and I know she's safe here." I nod remembering why I brought her here in the first place. "Right freedom."

Kelsey's POV

"So let me get this straight, you want to sneak out of a facility filled with superheroes and agents so we can go shopping" I whisper screamed trying my best to grasp what Wanda was saying. "You're looking at it all wrong we aren't sneaking out, we're going out to go get stuff for your room" she stated in a duh tone. "I thought you said they would let us go tomorrow" I groaned.

"That was until I realized Steve's really protective over you" she said dryly. I rolled my eyes wondering how she didn't see it immediately, but told myself this was just a phase of his that would last a month at most. Once he gets over the initial shock and fear he'll realize that I took care of myself for years, and now I'm safe in a compound full of people. "We could sneak out tomorrow" I said trying to find a way out of this. "Yes that's a great idea sneak out in the broad daylight" she explained sarcasm dripping from her voice.

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