Chapter 2

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"Andrea are you listening to me this stuff is very important. Your image is very important."

"Yes I'm listening Simon sorry."

"Good now I'm going to set you up on a date with a good friend of my mind don't worry you will love him darling." Simon kept talking but I wasn't really listening

Are you serious a boyfriend?! So much for focusing on my career.Haven't people ever heard of a independent woman? People don't need someone to succeed in life.

"Don't worry sweetie you will be able to work and date seeing as everything goes well." I know Paula was just trying to reassure me but I have a feeling that this set up is not going to be a good one.

After the meeting I had a free day

so I decided to call me best friends Beizsa and Ciara and invite them to go see a movie with me.

After a hour of arguing what movie we should watch we finally decided to The Fault In Our Stars again for about the 30th time.

"Are you sure you guys want to see this movie again?"

"YES!" They both said in unison

"Alright but any one of us starts to cry-"

Just as I was about to continue on with my rant I bumped into someone.

"I AM SO SORRY. I wasn't looking-"

"No it wasn't your fault love. Hey your Andrea Gomez right?" The stranger with the sunglasses and hoody said.

"Yea I am. I'm surprised you noticed."

"How could someone not notices beautiful face like yours." Stranger said

I started to blush like a maniac

"Thank you I haven't heard that in a while"

The stranger took of his disguise.

"Oh my god your Harry Styles. I love One Direction." I was acting like a crazed fangirl

"Thanks love... I really have to go it was nice to meet you guys. I hope to see you around."

And just like that my mind was made up.


Hi guyys! YAY she finally met Harry! So I did a double edit because the first chapter was way to short.

If you could please like vote and comment I would love you forever!

Forever and Always (Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now