Chapter 1

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"Avery-"an angry voice barked as they entered the dark room of a sleeping teenager whose alarm once again "magically didn't work". As said sleeping teenager would explain to his frustrated aunt who couldn't remember a day she didn't have to wake him up.

Just like every morning she came into the light proofed bedroom, where light snoring could be heard from the large bed that Avery had convinced her would "totally fit" in the small room. A sigh escaped her painted red lips, a frown set as her hazel eyes narrowed at the slumbering teenager.

Crossing her arms across her chest she descended to the large bed that took up most of the space in the room, expertly maneuvering herself closer to the bed. God she had to remember to tell Avery to clean up his room after school today.

Looking down at the slumbering teen she couldn't help the grin that escaped her lips as she saw her nephew's peaceful face, bright blue eyes hidden by the pale lids of his eyes, his long dark lashes brushing his rosy cheeks. Memories of her sister crossed her mind, he looked so much like his mother. Something she was grateful for, she didn't know what would have happen if he would have had his father's harsh features. What her sister ever saw in that man was beyond her, it seemed to her that the only good thing her sister got from that man was Avery.

"Avery, wake up. You're going to be late for school again." She said gently while she moved the black fringe from his face. Avery scrunched up his nose, the disturbance not welcomed. Snuggling into his covers he ignored his aunt. With a huff his aunt pulled the covers off of his body.

"Avery get your ass up or I swear to all that is holy I'll get the bucket." She threatened, and like every time she promised the same punishment, Avery flew off the bed, running to his closet in search of the days outfit. A smile graced his aunts lips as she walked out of the room, another morning won.


God he was tired, maybe staying up past 1 in the morning was a bad idea after all. A yawn left his plum lips as he parked his small car in his usual spot of the noisy high school parking lot. Getting out of his car, he was graced with the scent of badly hidden B.O, axe, and frilly Victoria secret crap perfume. Great the bastard group of ultimate bastardness parked next to him again. He didn't need this crap so early in the morning. With a groan he tried to ignore the cat calls and idiotic bitching that slammed against his ear drums.

As he got closer to the hell hole he called school a hand reached out and grabbed his shoulder. A manly (girlish) yelp left his lips as he turned around with a glare only to face his "understanding, amazingly trusting and serious best friend". That asshole, he knew how easily scared he was yet every day he would find some way to scare the living hell out of him. Today was no different, as could tell by his tear streaked face, while he cackled annoyingly.

"Dick." Avery murmured.

"Bitch." Oliver countered, grinning at his glaring friend. Smiling despite himself Avery rolled his eyes and turned around, his friend following him to their first period.

"So, I heard that you got your ass handed to you by a 12 year old last night." Oliver snickered.

"Fuck you, he freakin' cheated. No way could he have gotten the upper hand with his weak ass attacks. It was rigged and I refuse to accept defeat to a cheating swine." Avery spat as he walked down the crowded halls. It never mattered when or what day it was the halls of Sun West high were always filed with teenage hormone infested bodies.

It was repulsing.

Avery was never a people person, in fact he hated any kind of interaction with strangers. He couldn't really allow himself the ignorant pleasure of blind trust and need for human contact. Not anymore that is. Too many had already crushed what little he had of that blind trust, he wasn't about to give anyone the opportunity to turn him into his mother.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night man. Any who, I heard that Susan Winters totally want me." Oliver smirked at his friend.

"Please, you think every girl wants you and just like every other girl, Susan Winters doesn't want you. Get over yourself man, I get that your nerdy body is horny and your hand is pulling overtime, but you have to realize that she don't want cha" Avery snorted as his friend stuttered a comeback behind him. Opening his mouth to give another smart remark, he lost all air in his small body, as a hard firm body crushed against him.

"The Fuc-"he began as he looked up only to come face to face with sex itself. Once again all air left him as he stared into the eyes of the sexiest person to ever cross his path.


Freak Yeah! Upload baby~

Any who, again I'm sorry guys for the long wait, but I promise I'll try my hardest to not go AWAL on you guys again.

Updates will be every Tuseday and Thursday, and maybe Saturday if possible.

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~ Love Sabi

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2014 ⏰

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