Chapter Four: A Different Side of Me

Bắt đầu từ đầu

    “Its too embarrassing! There is a reason I go by T.C.!” she covered her face.

    “I won’t tell anyone.” I promised “We need to build trust though. How can I put my life in your hands if I don’t even know your real name?” she let out a sigh of defeat.

    “I can’t believe I’m about to tell you this.” she squirmed around uncomfortably, trying to work up the courage to tell me. “Theodora Constance.” I felt my smile grow bigger. She covered her eyes. “See! Its embarrassing. I can’t believe I told you.”

    “I think its nice. Theodora!” I smirked, she uncovered her eyes and stuck her tongue out at me.

    “Don’t make fun of me! I’m trusting you!” she pouted now.

    “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I’m not making fun of you. It is a lovely name. I promise.” I assured her.

    “Whatever. Now you should have to tell me something embarrassing about yourself!” She smiled.

    “No way.” I shook my head.

    “Come on! We are trusting each other. Remember? How do I know you trust me and are going to listen to me if you won’t tell me one embarrassing thing about yourself?” she leaned closer to me. I felt nervous, as our legs were so close they were almost touching.

    “That’s different. Yours was just your name. You can’t help your name.” I justified, feeling my heart beat quicken.

    “You said my name was nice!” she poked me in the chest accusingly.

    “It is.” I said trying to keep serious, but I couldn’t help it the corners of my mouth her tugging upwards and finally into a full blown grin. 

    “You’re a jerk!” she said playfully. She took one of the pillows an lightly swung it into my arm.

    “Okay, okay. Um.. Something embarrassing.” I thought carefully. “I’m a terrible dancer.”

    “That’s not embarrassing.” she said unsatisfied.

    “Then you haven’t seen me dance.” I winked.

    “Well, come on show me.” she pressed on. What have I gotten myself into?

    “Be, merciful. Don’t make me.” I pleaded. “Come on, Theo. Can I call you Theo?” I jested.

    “Oh, no way! There is no chance I’m letting you out of it now.” she shifted onto her knees. “You have to show me now!” she placed her dainty hands on my shoulders pushing me off the bed and to my feet. I stood there awkwardly as she sat watching me and waiting for me to show her my utter inability to dance. “Well? On with it. I don’t have all day.” She crossed her arms impatiently.

    “Well, I can’t just freestyle it. I need music.” I stalled. She grabbed her phone off the nightstand and started playing a hip-hop song. I sighed. There was no more stalling. I gave it me best shot. Shimmying my body around. She began to giggle. Her laugh was perfect, soft and musical. My face burned red. I quickly sat back down on the bed. She was no rolling around laughing.

    “You’re right. You are awful.” she said in-between laughing.

    “Well see if I trust you again.” I rolled my eyes.

    “No, no. Don’t be embarrassed. Its alright if you can’t dance. You’re a guy, you don’t have to be able to dance well. All you have to do is find a girl to dance on you.” she assured me.

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