2. Break

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Y/N stared blankly at the screen as the emission ended.

God. Tom loved her.

Reality took hold and she grabbed her phone, her hands shaking as she dialed his number.

Wait, a little voice sang in her head.

What if he didn't want to be with her ? After all, he'd never said anything. Besides, Tom lived a peaceful life in London while she enjoyed New-York City...

She had to send him a message, at least.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" She wrote.

Not good enough, Y/N thought, erasing the sentence.

"Seems like we need to talk, Hiddleston. "

No, no and no.

Y/N sighed in exasperation. She knew why it was so hard for her to speak the truth. They were different. A life by Tom's side would mean paparazzis, tabloids and all the things she despised. Not to mention the female celebrities who flirted with him. For all these reasons, Y/N would never be able to admit her feelings.

"I love you." She typed lazily, "I'll never gather enough courage to say it or send this stupid message. How pathetic. I'm so scared all the time, always wondering if you finally fell for some sexy actress. Anyway, with time you'd get tired of me. I feel so small in your world. But hell, I need you, Hiddleston. My dearest friend, my partner in crime. I will always love you."

Y/N knew she would never send it. Instead, she just lied down on the couch, throwing her phone next to her. She stared at the ceiling for a while, emotions becoming overwhelming as she thought of Tom. The young woman slightly turned her head, eyes wandering on the TV screen. Lulled by the constant chattering on her favorite channel, Y/N drifted into sleep.

Just before she could reach for Tom's hand in her dream, a loud noise of shattering glass awoke her.

Y/N groaned, opening an eye.

"Fuck !" She swore, contemplating her broken phone on the floor, "No, no, no !"

It was a disaster. Y/N desperately needed it to receive calls from her boss.

She ran to the closest shop and paid a colossal amount of money to get her device fixed in the week. Meanwhile, they gave her another phone and she trotted back to her building, partly relieved.

A lump in her throat, she spent the worse night of her life, her stomach in knots as she checked her phone every five minutes, wondering if she should call Tom.

After what seemed an eternity, Y/N finally closed her eyes.

When she woke up, it was already noon.

Dragging her feet to the kitchen, Y/N contemplated cooking something, but then fell on a chair, releasing a long sigh. Her heart felt so heavy it seemed to drag her body down.

Rubbing her bloodshot eyes, she gulped at the thought Tom was just going to disappear from her life if she did nothing. In fact, there were only few chances they were going to meet again. Y/N had to call him. Tell him she needed him, as a friend of course.

She dialed his number and it rang.

At the same moment, a soft knock on the door caused her to lift her head up.

Probably the neighbor.

To say Mr. Thurman didn't like her was an understatement. He was certainly annoyed after she'd let the TV on all night.

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