"Heyo Chibi. Have a nice nap?" Hidan laughs.

"Hn!" Naruto smiles widely.

"He speaks Uchiha! He's been hanging around Itachi too much!" Kisame laughs.

I give him a slight glare.

He immediately shut up but stifled a chuckle behind his hand.

I roll my eyes mentally.

"Daddy...Dinner..." Naruto mumbles in my arms.

"Here Pipsqueak. Ramen." Deidara says holding out a ramen cup.

Naruto grinned and happily took the cup in his hands.

"You know... It's kind of bad giving him ramen all the time." Sasori says.

"Yea. You guys should feed him some vegetables too, like carrots." Kakuzu says.

"But I don't wanna eat Uncle Carrot!" Naruto frowns.

"Excuse me? Uncle Carrot?" Kisame asks.

"Let me explain." I groan.

Naruto giggles.


"Naruto, we're going to meet leader again to check your seal. Ok? We need to make sure it's still there." I say.

"OK!" He yells.

As we enter the room, I see Pein seated on his chair.

"Leader-sama. I've brought him." I say respectfully.

"Good. Now, Naruto. Sit up here." He says tapping the table.

Naruto looks confused before running up and sitting on the table.

Pein lifts Naruto's shirt up and concentrates some chakra on his stomach.

"There seems to be no problem." Pein concludes.

"Problem?" Naruto asks.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it. You can leave now." Pein says.

Naruto hops off the desk as I walk outside and waited for him to rush out.

"Buh bye Uncle Carrot!!" Naruto yells and then slams the door close.

I freeze at the nickname and the sound the door made when slammed shut.

Naruto grins mischievously.

"You are going to be in so much trouble if he decides to hate you because of the nickname you gave him." I told him as he climbs up my leg and sits at my waist line, as I support him, making sure he doesn't fall off.

He merely giggles.

Meanwhile with Pein and Konan.

"Did he just-" Konan asks.

"Yep." Pein replies.

"Call you-"


"Slam the-"




"Let's forget this ever happened and just let him call you that." Konan says.

"Yep." Pein face-palms.

Flashback end

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Kisame, Deidara and Hidan laugh hysterically, clutching there stomachs and rolling on the ground with tears pricking there eyes because there laughing too hard.

"PIPSQUEAK! I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE NOW!!!" Deidara yells in between laughs.

"I NEED TO SEE HIS REACTION!!!" Hidan rolls around on the floor.

"OH GOD!! MY STOMACH BURNS!!!" Kisame clutches his stomach with tears running down his face.

Naruto laughs along with them.

"You're going to piss him off one day, Squirt." Kakuzu says ruffling Naruto's hair.

"But Kuzu, Hii, Deidei, Same, Sori, Tsu, Tobi and Daddy will protect me right?" Naruto asks with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

Everyone freezes and looks at the blonde child.

He looks around and frowns at the sudden silence.

"Why's everyone quiet now?" Naruto asks.

"Don't worry about it Naruto." I say stroking his hair.

"One day Puppet, you're going to have to kill us." Sasori says.

"Sasori!" Kisame smacks his head.

"I'm just telling the truth." Sasori replies.

Everyone looks at Naruto to see his reaction.

He stares at Sasori and slumps down.

"Why?... I... I-I don't w-wanna ki-kill you gu-guys." Naruto says hiccuping over his words as tears start spilling out of his eyes.

Everyone could only listen to his words.

"T-That's not gonna h-happen! I... I wo-won't kill an-anyone here! I p-promise!" Naruto'cries become heavy now.

He sobs and wails into my chest as I run circles on his back, trying to soothe him.

Everyone looks greatful for the promise but they know that he won't remember that promise when the jutsu breaks and he returns to his teenage form.

Everyone listens to his soft hiccups and cries as he falls asleep with uneven breathing patterns.

"He'll forget about us soon. We can't get attached." Kazuku says with a sigh. "Though it's too late now, isn't it, everyone." He says like a statement then a question.

No one denied that fact.

Not even pein, who was watching everything.

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